
Democrats appease big farmer lobby; bill HR 875 to create family market witch-hunt

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Today's Democrat HR 875 & HR 759 targets small "organic" type farms; impacting the livelihood of immigrant farmers; of which growing food could be criminal offense...

Family health conscious food co-ops who operate a micro-business like this; would have to register with Democrat's MASSIVE new Federal government food bureaucracy to pay registration fees, or risk a potential $1,000,000 fine! (Sec 405(a)(1)(A)

ht: Ace; who points to more at Protein Wisdom.. Including links here, here, and an article at naturalnews.com.

Shelly has this video... (and #'s to contact your US Rep's; below)

** Contact your representatives AND local newspaper: http://www.usalone.net/cgi-bin/oen.cg...
** Another easy way to contact your representatives: https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/w...
** Share this videoSources of Information:http://breakthematrix.com/node/34557
Please help spread the word!

Today's Links...
-Islands of Capitalism:
"The little farmer's markets were islands of capitalism in a sea of socialism and they worked where the attempt at communism didn't."
-Comments (at AceHQ) here and another here.
-Gov. says, "Don't kill yourself." (you might be tax-payers.)


Video: Most important speech Sarkozy gave US Democrat Congress (2007)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Remembering his 2007 visit to speak to US Democrat Majority Congress; as the most admired leader in the world...
Image: Becier W.

The video (below) is really worth repeating today, at such a perilous moment in history; that his words of virtue might find their way, back across time... Most Americans wish that the few who lead us today, would not be taking such huge steps away from liberty and free markets; of the intended Republic that Sarkozy denotes in this video...

France has a very strong role to play here, and knows America the best.
English translator, though you can still hear his words.

These are days when words of Alexis de Tocqueville, give us hope
Sarkozy tells the story of our history to (what appears to be) this administrations' new 'hollow-shell'...

800 more jobs derailed by Obama Team's 'Employee Free Choice Act'

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Proposed federal labor legislation has derailed a large Eau Claire County development, according to a local economic development official. read.
The project in Eau Claire County (Wisconsin) would have brought a $50 million investment to in the next five years, along with creating up to 800 full-time jobs. more.

NOTE: The graph (below) shows the stability of this town's civilian labor through recessions (grey bars) And now the Obama Union push, will leave them 'negatively impacted' over the loss of these specific jobs. Source.

Gov. "Free-Choice-Act" takes advantage of County's good record, to plant a Union!

A couple of statements by Eau Claire County officials:
"While debating topics and issues are an important part of the U.S. political process, our ability to grow, retain and recruit jobs to our marketplace is now being impacted," the executive director of the Eau Claire Area Economic Development Corp, explained.

Bob McCoy, president of the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce, said the government essentially is stopping growth in the Chippewa Valley.
"If we want to grow our economy, we can't continue to grow our government. If you start causing businesses to have more costs and expenses, they have to cut back." read.

Bottom Line:
Strip employees of their fundamental right to a secret ballot vote...
And you invite Unions in, without voting Unions in...

Many Americans warned of the consequence of the Employee Free Choice Act against the freedom, safety, and survival of America's jobs... These jobs have not just by-passed this community; they will by pass the U.S. as well. read.

The bill requires binding arbitration if management and a union cannot agree on a first contract. It also allows a majority of employees at a company to organize by signing cards - instead of allowing employers to mandate secret-ballot elections - and boosts penalties for retaliation against workers seeking to organize...

Another nice strong family community 'rolled' by Obama Change.
Maybe the Obama Team is just trying to make America into a HUGE parking-lot; and then "sell her" in another one of their sub-prime schemes...


Pakistan must be viewed through the context of 1979; Video: Malou (Cato)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Pictures Pierre shot in Pakistan during his nearly 2 years stay in Lahore. Tribute to Pierre (at end)
Image: Amir Mukhtar (Lahore)

Understanding the legacy of the Soviet-Afghan War, and how its aftermath strained relations between Washington and Islamabad, can shed light of ways to move forward in Afghanistan today, and extricate U.S. troops from this volatile part of the world... read.

AUDIO: A logical look at Afghanistan: LISTEN

AUDIO: Advice to Obama: Afghanistan and Pakistan: Listen.

Malou Innocent, a foreign policy analyst at the Cato Institute , visited Pakistan late last year to get a better sense of how developments within Pakistan shape its foreign policy toward the United States...

Those of us that missed the era of 1979-80 seem to be more apt to look objectively... Malou Innocent states, "In the future we should take Afghanistan as it is, rather than what we want it to be"... To me, this means helping to bring stability to the region; as will reflect the 'best of its history'...

VIDEO: There are solutions: View.
Many do not want to hear what went wrong, thus do not have a correct grasp of a solution... What Obama Should Do in Pakistan read.

And that solution might very well look like this:
"Rather than "surge" into this volatile region, the president should consider the strategic and political significance of Afghanistan's surrounding neighbors and engage in regional efforts to broker dialogue... AUDIO.
VIDEO: Obama's Latest statement- View. (Hope he listen's to Malou.)


FAA quietly bans 'bird-strike' info; because "Public wouldn't understand the report."

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)
Ace HQ posts: Story from Wired:
"It's bad enough some citizens are under suspicion of being terrorists every time they board a plane. But despite the Obama administration's pledge of government transparency, the FAA thinks the public is too stupid to understand the data." read more.

From FAA March 19th Federal Register:
"The complexity of the information warrants care with its interpretation; releasing this information without benefit of proper analysis would not only produce an inaccurate perception of the individual airports and airlines but also inaccurate and inappropriate comparisons between airports/airlines."

But look at the VIDEO I found!
"At one major U.S. airport, authorities are using a unique method in their attempt to keep bird and plane from ever meeting." ...Wow.

In my view, it shows how much the earth's magnetic-field is weakening...
Incidents: from 1,759 in 1990 to a record 7,666 in 2007... But just as earth shifts; so does the birth of inventions. :)

Any vehicle that flies is subject to bird strikes. Helicopters to the largest cargo jet and everything in between have all suffered bird strikes. Shattered windshields, punctures and engine failures that are caused by bird strikes are up nine percent from 2007... This will be solved very soon, I'm sure...


Bachmann bill & push for return to Constitutional form of government

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the grace of the Eternal God, will rout you out." -Andrew Jackson

"By this means [printing money] government may secretly and unobserved, confiscate the wealth of the people, and not one man in a million will detect the theft." -John Maynard Keynes 1883-1946 British economist

Geithner's Rookie Mistakes
Andy Busch points out some missteps Geithner has already made concerning the US dollar... (R) Bachmann pushes for the return to a constitutional form of Government. VIDEO.

And at such time as the U.N. 'Climate Change' Plan would likely shift Trillions to form new World Economy; Michele Bachmann questions Geithner & Bernanke about a Global Currency; after recent (unclear) Geithner statements. read.

Congresswoman Bachmann has introduced a resolution in the House "that would bar the dollar from being replaced by any foreign currency."
Below: (R) Bachmann at hearing with Geithner & Bernanke

Those of the current administration have proved 'time and again' to be largely without reality of cause and effect...
Obama's Toxic-Asset Plan: End-Run Around Congress?
The complex plan to deal with toxic assets may have answered Wall Street’s questions about shoring up balance sheets but it's raising concerns about funding and oversight. read.

Today's links...
For the record...
Bachmann's Minnesota has aggressively pushed for clean energy...
The state currently requires diesel fuel to be blended with 2 percent biodiesel, and is soon to raise the “blend radio” to 5 percent. Minnesota also will require 25 percent of its electricity to come from renewable sources by 2025.

Bachmann warning:
Electricity Prices Skyrocket Under Cap-and-Trade.

"Much has been made of President Obama's recently proposed cap-and-trade, energy-tax policy that he would soon like to see implemented as a means to raise revenue for his health care reform and other big spending plans." read.

VIDEO (must watch) Green job slavery.
"Compared to the energy flux density achievable with nuclear energy, wind and solar are deficient by a factor of at least 100 million." Democrat's rejection of nuclear energy, will (and has thus far) come to be one of the biggest blunders in the history of our nation. -My apology to Prince of N. (at end)

The language of Obamanomics. Pablum
Fred Barneswrites: (AceHQ has MORE.)

Daniel Hannan's words reach media suppressed American families

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

He validates our concerns for those this reckless spending will truly impact! And targets the robber barons, while U.S. Gov. retained media drowns us out...

From dailymail
The Tory who told Brown to his face that he's a disaster
While the global elites are busy widening our debt; and building Government teams, designed especially to quell our objections... Please keep standing!

View two fine videos:
ht: gateway.

Quick news update...

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)


"ISM" in action (Leno video)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

With Unregulated Institutions Bailing Out Regulated Ones...read... Congress ponders, "Who are Americans to question?"

Ht: butasforme

Today's Links....
( from matt)
-Geithner to Propose Vast Expansion Of Government Oversight.
-Power to Regulate Hedge Funds, Markets...
-Task Force to Overhaul Tax Code; 'Rebalance'...
-PAPER: Rahm Emanuel's Short FREDDIE MAC stay made him $320,000+...
-What's next? Regime picked football teams?
-Majority of American citizens need this solution.
-Especially before it starts looking like this.


Americans appreciate Czech PM's honesty; more than those who criticize our concerns

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Make no mistake; we are the populations of which this Administration expects to pump out loans from our future; while we are seeing that Europe's tax has already reached its end...

U.S. has its own version of Europe's 1999 corruption:
Resignation of Discredited Commission, due to fraud, nepotism, and mismanagement... Europe freely solved theirs; but now we must deal, not with impatience of Obama; but with the rapid dismantle of Democracy, slipped into each stimulus.

VIDEO: How would it be if the U.S. pushed its influence..
into European politics; to further this great MEP?

Mistranslation: US economic plans 'a road to hell'
Sounds like an translation apology is in order to the Czech PM...
No correction for this article? It is blatantly inaccurate.

"He didn't say that," Mr. Vondra said. A Czech spokesman said that Mr. Topolanek meant to say that the European Union would be on the way to hell if it boosted its own spending too much. His comments were intended to highlight the differences between the United States and Europe, the spokesman said. But it is precisely those differences that everyone is currently eager to downplay before London. more.

Maybe the West needs a re-set button, because they mistranslated Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek's words... And as sure as I write this post, Eastern Europe knows well, the loss of Freedoms; and remains insightfully keen to avoid a repeat... If they could join as a sovereign Nation, I'd wish they were part of the United States. :)

Mr. Topolanek is not alone in his concern that Mr. Obama's stimulus package will put a huge strain on global financial markets. German officials have also criticized the evolving American program, and in general European nations have refused to create fiscal stimulus programs anything close to that of the United States, which will push the U.S. budget deficit this year to 10 percent or more of gross domestic product. They argue that European conditions are different and that too much extra money will lead quickly to inflation. read.

While there are disagreements between the United States and Europeans about the correct balance between fiscal stimulus and improved national and international regulation of finance and tax havens, officials have been making progress on a communiqué that will get consensus in London on April 2, officials from both sides say...

Did you know that America is a tax-haven? Do you not think that it is protectionist to demand that we allow others to regulate (or liquidate) our current (tax-haven) investors?


Leftist regime build, runaway-train

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Bush-economy blame, officially over.
from wsj: "One Unstated But Clearly Implicit Goal Of [Obama’s] Budget Is To Put In Place Spending Programs That Make Ever-More Americans Dependent On Government And That Will Require A Permanently Higher Level Of Taxation To Finance."more.

Bush-deficit (L) Obama-deficit (R)
Wapo image -Foundry: READ.

Ed says, "They’re not doing everything they can do to eliminate the deficit. They’re doing everything they can do to make them exponentially worse."

The Toxic Assets We Voted For: Read.
The Federal Reserve, by long practice rather than law, has been insulated from politics in performing its fundamental function of preserving the currency as a store of value -- preventing inflation. Now, however, by undertaking hitherto uncontemplated functions, it has become an appendage of the executive branch. The coming costs, in political manipulation of the money supply, of this forfeiture of independence could be steep. READ.

Concerns are coming from all parties... view.
Especially from those who voted [Obama]

VIDEO: And let's not forget the "three" who were given more focus than 250 Democrats; and then waffled to support the splendous kick-off.

Today's Links...
Glen Reynolds:
IRONY: Michael Barone notes that they’re using the unregulated financial institutions to bail out the regulated ones.

THE INFLUENCE GAME: Mixing Donations and Earmarks

Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi describing the "colossal power grab that threatens to turn the federal government into a kind of giant Enron: read.

Spends too much, taxes too much, and borrows too much:


Anything NASA is better than today's news

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Image Credit: NASA Shuttle-09
Both NASA space station and space shuttle are traveling at the same speed of 17,500 mph; when preparation for pitch maneuver is initiated at about 2 to 6 hundred feet below the station... VIEW: VIDEO

Video might be a tad silly, but... What's next to the space debris?
VIDEO: Space debris, "etc" BIG SCREEN.

Today's Links...
US billionaire to make second trip to space
Gulf News
Simonyi, Hungarian-born American living in Seattle; and also a computer genius who helped build Microsoft… will become the world's first two-time space tourist when he leaves Earth behind on Thursday. He'll be accompanied by two professional astronauts - a Russian and American - who will be going up for a six-month stint at the space station. more.

VIDEO: Our Cosmic Roots VIDEO. (improving your perspective)

UPDATE: 3/24/09 Busy NASA chats with US President...
-AUDIO: Listen.
Obama asks about NASA's solar, makes "solar" plug:
(NASA Solar = decade long project)

In the NASA interview:
Administration asks when they can "reap" the benefits of the 100 billion$ investment? (Haha) NASA has ALREADY been delivering more that the 100 billion in innovative and applied technology!

FACT: NASA has a long history of having established projects with the World's future generations... This looks like a break for Whitehouse administration during sagging polls, brawl over budget, attempts to expand power to seize firms... And policies which increase massive future generation debt... read.

For all of you who believe; this is for you. (Haha)
BIG SCREEN 1870 to 2008 Collection: Unexplained.

Will post more later...
Still preparing for trip tomorrow. (Italy)


Hasty bills run at odds with rule of law

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

They're outraged over bills that they (alone) have signed? And now deny a proper hearing by U.S. Financial Institutions, protected under the U.S. Constitution? Time to follow the TARP funds, recycled back to Congress.

Sen. Gregg Warns:
VIDEO: Obama Will Bankrupt the Country: VIEW.

Congress in a Lynching Mood:
"Expropriating property from people who did nothing more than accept money they were legally due sounds uncannily like a bill of attainder — a legislative measure declaring someone guilty of a crime, and imposing punishment, without trial. This weapon was expressly forbidden by the framers of the Constitution because it is fundamentally unfair, at odds with the rule of law and driven by mass hysteria rather than dispassionate fact-finding." more.
A Hidden Agenda Behind the 90 Percent Tax? read.

Obama grins from "ear-to-ear" as unsustainable entitlement spending seeks to to take U.S. to a "point-of-no return...
VIDEO: President Obama On "60 Minutes" VIEW.

Ask any Billionaire how they would solve (and not prolong or worsen) this economical recession; and they all agree on 'reduction of tax'...
-VIDEO: Billionaire Insights...
"Flat 15% tax & Economy will soar" –Ruffin

NOTE: Last year the world had 1,125 billionaires; today there are 793...
How $1.4 trillion vanished... read.

Today's Links...
WSJ: The Rise of the Underground Economy: story.

Obama economic blue-ribbon panel holds no public meeting: read.
ht: Professor Jacobson
VIDEO: Animated Crisis of Credit
Visualized by Jonathan Jarvis VIEW.

27 Visualizations & Infographics to Understand Financial Crisis.


As Washington "Rules" business; non-partisan discussion on ''add-sub' rules

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)
Washington Rules Business...
Discussing how management is being impacted by Washington's adding and subtracting of rules, with Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Yale School of Management; Steve Grasso, Stuart Frankel; Mike Holland, Holland & Company; and CNBC's Brian Shactman...

Today's Links...
Liberal activist group ACORN engaged in a pattern of crimes ranging from voter fraud to a mob-style "protection" racket; now being considered by Obama Administration; for Census taking... here, and here.

Is a White House take over of the census constitutional? read..
Look what Sweetness & Light found at the website of the Community organizer busloads of Crazies touring Homes of AIG Executives this weekend.

Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi describing the "colossal power grab that threatens to turn the federal government into a kind of giant Enron:read.

AIG "bonus blame" doesn't exactly trickle-down; much to the "real culprits" dismay

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)
A banker explains to Financial Times, "It’s like a McCarthy witch-hunt...This is the most profoundly anti- American thing I’ve ever seen." As the bloat of spending continues to spiral out of control.
Image: from Matt
Glen Reynolds posts:
VIDEO: AIG Bonuses Solved: VIEW!
More at riehlworldview...
"The Democrats on the conference committee locked the Republicans out of the process and wrote the bill themselves. No Republican supported the conference report; no Republican signed it... more.
(look on the final page of the conference report here).

From AceHQ:
Rep. McCotter (R) "Shocked at the [Feigned] Shock" Over AIG Bonuses

A top Wall Street executive says,
"Finance is one of America’s great industries, and they’re destroying it," he added. "There are three big industries where the US has global leadership: financial services, media and technology. Introducing this 90 per cent tax is like taking one of those industries out the back and shooting it."

VIDEO: They make this this man sensible: VIEW
No honor amongst thieves: VIEW
VIDEO: This has made me cry: VIEW

From the WSJ
This is all too much even for Rep. Charlie Rangel, the House's chief tax writer, who says the tax code shouldn't be deployed as a "political weapon." He's right. AIG's managers may be this week's political target of choice, but the message to every banker in America, indeed every business in America, is that you could be next.

From instapundit (kausfiles) Strike Two for Holbrooke
Obama’s special envoy Richard Holbrooke served on A.I.G.’s board when the company a) went ‘over a cliff,’ and b) approved the now-controversial bonuses...read more. But he’ll survive. It’s not like he also got special loan deals from Countrywide as a ‘Friend of Angelo.'


First Day of Spring

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Vernal Equinox
Equal (12) hours of day and night...
VIDEO: A little Spring laughter

Spring Videos (new window)

VIDEO: Space Flowers...(Always a bigger picture :o)
Galactic Consciousness indeed.

VIDEO: Sounds of Space (Artist's Perspective)
Monet's enchanting gardens (France) BIG SCREEN.
Green Waves, Music by Secret Garden: VIDEO.
Peaceful Colors; Vocal: Karen (sounds like a violin) Matheson


Forbes: 10 Riskiest Economies (SPDR's)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Interesting video at Forbes...
Preston Keat, Director of Eurasia Group; discusses the biggest political risks to watch in 2009 (recommended reading: Keat's, "Fat Tail".)

The best Nation for business was #2, United States… With US congress, forming new administration; some risk dragging weighs upon both Democrat and Republican investors, as congress retains inexperienced.

Steve Forbes says, "President Obama should take a cue from his hero, Abraham Lincoln" and... Discharge Incapable Commanders

Russia fell 17 spots on Forbes list, due to misplaced regulation, worst protection of investment… Additionally; when they don’t have much money, they turn more aggressive (abroad.)

VIDEO may roll onward to the Financial Adviser Network Sector, Surfing With ETFs Customization: Select Sector SPDRs cut large cap stocks into nine slices.

Today's Links...
This A.M. -Fed Bond Buying Perks Up Asia Stocks
Americans should look at their Administration's moves, as global investors; and ask the appropriate questions...(more later)

All of these homes need to be sold at auction for cash...
That is the bottom and the beginning of the turn-around.

Posted by jerrywilkins
Housing Hope In Southern California

Obama's Latest Troubling Appointments With The FDA
Bad Bugs From Overuse Of Drugs
China's Dirty Little Secret In The Global Economic Crisis
Social Science 101 For President Obama

PS: I'm staying on in Europe for another week...
Enjoy your day, and think positive thoughts...


Newspaper Boys force free market change (1899) -Without a bailout

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Newspaper boys were the main distributors of newspapers to the general public from the mid-19th to the early 20th century, in U. S... Eight major N. Y. based newspapers, who competed for readership; were the New York Post, New York Times, The American, The Evening Journal, The Press, The Morning Sun, New York Herald, N. Y. Tribune,
(And dozens of smaller press papers.)

Image: 2nd generation Newspaper boy
St. Louis (1910)

Newspaper Boys Go On Strike
The Newsboys Strike of 1899 was a youth-led campaign to force change in the way that (D) Joseph Pulitzer's and (D) William Randolph Hearst's newspapers compensated their child labor force.

The strike lasted two weeks, causing Pulitzer's New York World to reduce its circulation from 360,000 to 125,000. The strike was successful in increasing the amount newsboys received by selling papers. Newspaper boys, also called newsboys or newsies, circulated from street corners, walking through neighborhoods and hawking their papers throughout every city. They first appeared with the rise of mass circulation newspapers.

Newsboys tended to be among the poorest classes of society, often seen sleeping on the streets...

Not acting as employees of the newspapers; they purchased the papers from the publishers and sold them as independent agents... Not allowed to return unsold papers, the newsboys typically earned around 30 cents a day and often worked until very late at night. Cries of "Extra, extra!" were often heard into the morning hours as newsboys attempted to hawk every last paper... -Credit: (Nancy Groce)

Today's Links...
If Newspaper boys can impact a better free enterprise system; so can big papers... Never read where anybody bailed these starving kids out...

If Newspapers want to survive; they should keep their franchise; and make a move or loose! I suggest, moving to an electronic system...
"Kenneth Bronfin, president of Hearst Interactive Media, hints that portable, electronic news readers "will be a big part of our future." more.

VIDEO: How Electronic Ink Works: VIEW.
As (D) Pelosi eyes bailout for Newspapers; Bundle distribute (socialize) your papers, or they will OWN what you print; with bail-out money!


DATA: No US global warming in over the past 111 years (nothing here, move along)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

8 Dems oppose quick debate on global warming bill #.
Pelosi likes to bundle unrelated bills together, and if they can manage to 'beat-down' one minority Republican; she calls it bi-partisan. read.

Fact is, when one does a comparison of data from urban and rural sites to see if there is an Urban Heat Effect... The rural sites show no global warming over the past 111 years. It is all Urban Heat Island Effect...

So easy, that an intelligent sixth-grader can make this conclusion.
REFERENCE: Data from NASA GISS; Graphs made with Microsoft Excel.

NOTE: At the station of interest just click on "Download monthly data as text"
Select all and copy, then paste into Excel spreadsheet; then go to data dropdown menu and convert text to columns...

Caution Advised...
Last month, they called the US recession, "The worst CRISIS in our lifetime"
Today, Obama BUDGET chief recommends transferring money we don't have; out of the country, for S. 2191 climate change... Cap and trade bills are nothing short of a "Government re-engineering of the American economy." Any BUDGET advisor would recommend postponement during trying recovery period, for Americans...
This (in of itself) is troubling... read.

Beware of Cap and Trade Climate Bills: #
Heritage Foundation's Concludes:
The economic impacts of S. 2191, though substantial in their own right, could be a mere down payment toward costlier subsequent measures... Bill S. 2191, with its aggressive targets to reduce emissions from fossil fuel use, would put the nation on a path of serious economic harm not justified by any benefits. read.

Reminding you that nuclear energy is being held hostage by this administration; and other replacements are not as expeditious, as would be the negative financial impacts of S. 219...

‘Cap-and-Trade’ Program to Curb Global Warming Hurts Poor..
Apr 26, 2007 ... A cap-and-trade program for CO2 emissions would tend to increase government .... are supporting this fraud simply as a way to gain control of the US economy

Top 10 Reasons to Oppose Cap and Trade FreedomWorks
Mar 6, 2009 ... The latest serious attempt to enact cap and trade in the United States, would open the door wide for fraud and corruption that... This has been seen already in the UK, a country currently participating in cap and trade. ...


On Kibo Module: Red circle is marked with name of Pioneer Astronaut Koichi Wakata

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)
Hero of the Day... #
JAXA's Astronaut Koichi Wakata will help future missions, by further enabling Kibo robotic arm, toward first time functionality... And by mastering prolonged space effects, such reducing Astronaut's common phenomenon of bone loss. more.

Wakata gives trade-mark "thumbs-up" signal!

NASA's cooperative mission...
Final best efforts toward humanity's survival...
(Success will depend upon keeping politicians' AWAY from Scientific discovery!)
More Updates on NASA TV! VIEW.

Interesting Pre-flight interview with Wakata.
JAXA Astronaut Wakata helped assemble the first ISS truss segment (Z1 Truss) back in 2000 on STS-92; and S6 will be the last component of the truss segment. Interesting that Z1 was 18,000 pounds; and now, Canadarm2 will be 32,000 pounds!
In addition, Wakata's residence mission, will aid in improvements toward sustainability in the microgravity environment... i.e: bisphosphonate; which will be observed as a countermeasure to osteoporosis... Central to prep of mastering the physiological effects of prolonged space; comes the solutions to many earth conditions...Some say that osteoporosis effects approx. (1-in-4) on earth. more.
STS-119 mission specialists Astronaut John Phillips (foreground) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Koichi Wakata (center) will be involved in the operation of the Canadarm2 to install the S6 Truss...
(Top (R) Astronaut Richard Arnold)

Astronauts in training, Phillips, Wakata, and Arnold; expedition resident engineers (Discovery's STS-119)

"The current status of the starboard solar alpha rotary joint allows us to install the S6 Truss to the starboard side. The previous mission, STS-126, performed the maintenance tasks such as replacement of the trundle bearing assemblies; they did the maintenance successfully, so, we can continue to, build the new element, the S6 Truss, to the starboard side." -Koichi Wakata

News Media's focus, is on space junk: #
UPDATE: Presently, Teams are putting a plan together in case a debris avoidance maneuver is required. At this time, we do not believe one will be necessary. At 4 p.m. EDT, we will have updated tracking data that will give us better insight whether the debris is clear of the space station. The crew is being kept apprised...

Today's Links...
NASA Awards Launch Services Contract for Four Missions: #
"Planned for launch in 2011, the NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probes mission uses two almost identical spacecraft built by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md. For two years, the twin probes will study the radiation belts surrounding Earth to improve our understanding of how the sun's changing energy flow affects them." More.

Highlights of space shuttle Discovery's mission
Discovery to help power up space station
ABC Science Online


NASA Discovery lifts off...

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)
Interactive Schedule.
A mission to check the thermal protection system, shield, etc; inc. power-boost, & numerous space elements projects... The crew's early boarding, for 6:43 PM (central time) departure...

Image credit: NASA/

Lift off!
Roaring off into the sunset, on mission to the ISS; from Launch Pad 39A (NASA's Kennedy Space Center) This STS-119 mission is making its 28th to the space station; and Discovery's 36th flight...

Image credit: NASA/

Mission will also deliver final pair of power-generating solar array wings and the S6 truss segment. Installation of S6 will enable the station to house a six-member crew...

VIDEO: Quick Nasa Discovery launch...
-NASA TV! More detail, and on-going tracking: HERE.
-They'll sleep at slightly after 1:AM (central time)

Shuttle is Extended: I have family at NASA; and wait until you see the new technology for cargo, and 'new manned & robotic' missions in 2010... :)

Public Channel:› Real › Real (Captioned)› Windows Media
(Best for Full Screen)› Quicktime› Audio Only (RealAudio)
Media Channel:› Real › Windows
Education Channel: › Real › Windows
Space Station Video: › Windows
Mission Audio: › Windows

Great American Classic "REMIXED"

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

I leave for home in US, on Wednesday... Interesting movie from 1939; where the same loops of 'world dramas' are still being played out on many levels... We’re not in Kansas anymore; as you repeat to the good fairy:
There’s no place like HOME.

Everything shifts in cycles...
Some impact sinister motives to test reaction; as the thinkers wait a few minutes, and hope that everything will become new, once again...

It's a Mad World...

And yet, it is such a beautiful world... I wish the vision and plot would change.. But it is not likely.
This version syncs to the music... And the great choreography, finds us all in 2009.

Soon, more auto-posted Travel Locations from 3/5/09...
Have a wonderful day...


Media hits (R) Governor for “6” earmark requests; to overlook Obama's 'thousands'

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Media jumps ahead of "facts research" to broadcast a story...
Oh wait... It's Alaska Governor Palin! She's the one who ran for V.P against six major Dem. Media outlets, a comedy network, & most of European Media.

By the way: How's the "52 days" working for you all?

And yes, let's not look at the trillions of SIGNED earmarks, designed to stimulate a furthering (Dem 2012) Government; let's blame (R) Governors for accepting it... ACE has more: also.

IRONY: "Hypocrisy watch" is showing its own "Hypocrisy watch!"
FACT: It is clear that Palin has significantly reduced Alaska's "Pork spending." This should be noteworthy, by those who contend that earmarks are so appalling...

Hot air has more, as Palin’s spokesman, Bill McAllister, tries to set the record straight: read more. (and see below)

McAllister said:
"The governor never said that earmarks should be abolished or that the State of Alaska wouldn’t seek or accept any. Didn’t happen. What she said well before she was a national candidate (going back at least to October of 2007) was that earmark reform was necessary and the state would need to rely less on federal money than it had been."

Image: ht- C4palin Read more.

For the next year’s budget, Gov. Palin will only make eight requests, totaling $69 million, which will include "six ongoing federal appropriations and just two new projects: an upgrade at the Kodiak Missile Defense Facility, which is relevant to national security, and a bridge replacement critical to construction of the pending Alaska natural gas pipeline, also in the national interest." more.

Quick post: Still away... Annoying to read this, in Moujan...

Today's Links...
Noteworthy Instapundit links:
ADVICE TO THE PRESS: Give Us The News, or Go Away.

WASHINGTON POST: Obama’s New Tack: Blaming Bush.
Hope and Change and it’s not my fault!
But Bush didn’t make him spend a trillion dollars on partisan pork, or spook the markets with destructive talk and policies.

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