
World's Finest Lemonade

"WOW, view life sized!": click-here!!
"Summer will be here soon. Keep cool, with this
refreshing, 'non alcoholic' lemonade drink!"
~Serves 6~
6 lemons
1 cup of sugar
7- 1/2 cups Boiling Water
~For each iced drink:
4 scoops Lemon Sorbet
Thin Lemon and Lime Slices
3 Ice Cubes Crushed
Mint Sprigs & halved
Lemon & Lime Slices, to decorate!
Boil water and dissolve sugar
Let cool, stir in Freshly Squeezed juice
Chill juice, add 4 scoops sorbet to glass
Tuck Lemon slices, and crushed ice
Decorate: Mint, Lemon, Lime...
Enjoy! ..

UPDATE: And for something to go
right along with this Lemonade:
Check out Coffeeworks blog!
"The April Fool’s Edition" of:
The Carnival of the recipes #85!


Another Day, Another Knight

Wik-fair trade
"Now, getting two sword taps on the shoulders
doesn't mean you're off to fight some war against France
(well, not anymore), but it does indicate you've
been "gallant" and "chivalrous" for quite a few years and
the queen says so."-E-online
The latest pop star to be awarded
an Honorary knighthood by the Queen:

"Sir, Tom Jones"
AP~View close up: click-here!
Hard to believe how many decades he has entertained
young and older audiences alike, with songs such as:
"It's Not Unusual", and "Kiss"...
According to AP, along with a few 'notables', such as Mick Jagger,
Paul McCartney, and Elton John... Tom Jones, by advice of the
UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office, is now...
"Sir Thomas"
A few US citizens receiving honorary knighthoods include...
Former US presidents: Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, Sr.,
former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, US Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan, entertainer Bob Hope...and...

Sir Bill Gates!
BBC- March, 2005
As a global business leader, he was honored last year,
for his business skills and contributions toward the
reduction of world poverty...American citizens cannot (of course)
use the title "Sir", but are so entitled to put the letters
KBE after ones name...
Squire? Knight? Lord? Sergeant?
You could already be entitled... :)
Find out: here
Or perhaps you just need a little:
knight school?
Squire training?

It's Don Surber's:
Carnival of the Celebrities!
Submit post: Here!

Illegal Mexico-annexation of America

This was 2001...
"The beginning of the Agriculture package"
and the administrative Mexico-annexation of America.
A.K.A.-The mass passivity towards illegal entry
2001 Bush statement
"After all, farm families represent...
the best of America.
They represent the values that have made
this country unique and different --
values of love of family,
values of respect for nature."
Read full address: here
A lot has happened since the Bush speech in 2001 (above)
Including 9-11; but I stand with the families that have given
their Loved ones who had paid the ultimate sacrifice...

Of The United States of America!


They are even, perhaps better than most
Americans, because they were willing
to lay down their lives for our liberty and


The Words of Teddy Roosevelt:
VIA: ~Michelle Malkin; (from: Rob Port )
Flags raised today, around my state!

"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...

...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

~Ogresview: How Do You Deport 11 million?
~Wizbang: America In Distress
~Captains Q: Illegals To Americans: We Hate America


Recent Carnival Updates

New carnival added each day.

~Homeland S. hosts: Carnival of Liberty #40!
~K T Cat: Feline Theocracy Hosts Carnival of Cats
~IgNoble Experiment: Haveil Havalim #65
~Zigguratofdoom: Carnival of the Recipes #86
~The Modulator: Friday Ark #81
~Don Surber’s: Carnival of the Celebrities
~The skwib: The Carnival of Satire #28!
~Below the beltway: Carnival of Liberty XXXIX!
~Punctilious: Carnival of the Recipes #85
~The Owner's Manual: Best of Me Symphony #123!
~Don Surber's: Carnival of the Celebrities!
~Life~Florida~Whatever: Carnival of Cat's#106!


Fox Policy on Mexico's Immigrants

What does Mexico do with their illegals??
click here

From a visitor looking for lost family:
"There are not words to describe this prison. It is the dirtiest, darkest, and most overcrowded place I have ever been...The conditions of the 'streets' inside the prison were broken and grimy and always covered with trash and dirty water."

Cuban Riots prompt security elevation
"An estimated 500 Cubans detained each year...
Make up a tiny fraction of the approximately 250,000
undocumented foreigners detained in Mexico annually."
-article: March 08, 2006
"Mexico legally has several choices of action for these approximately 250,000 undocumented foreigners (men and women) fugitives, criminals, immigrants, detained in Mexico jails...Mexico can RELEASE TO A THIRD COUNTRY, deport to their home country, collect bribes or continue to jail, or asylum...
Druglords will face U.S. justice, Fox says
FOX: Talks of illicit drug trade and legalization
~Bloody riots in Jarez, Mexico
~Cuban riots prompt security elevation
~Prison Riots in Mexico City

The seventh Cuban uprising or mass escape in one year
"An estimated 500 Cubans detained each year make up a tiny fraction of the approximately 250,000
undocumented foreigners detained in Mexico annually."
[Guerrilla: US intervention-59-98]
~Examine the bigger picture click-here
~All content © | using: Digimarc -06
~I've printed this before~
This is the area our government is planning to grow, &
expand into the US...
If you do not live near these areas (as I do) you will not see
that many have already viewed illegal entry, identified as drug
Cartel. Hillary Clinton claimed that the ports deal was the
"biggest risk to American security", well maybe instead of counting
votes from the other side of our country, she should drop down to
Mexico, and take a good look at the guerillas, and lawlessness that
she and the lobbyists will expand through our borders.

Meanwhile: El Paso, TX, Las Cruces, NM, Juarez., MX
Death Toll Rises Following Juarez Prison Riot
Druglords will face U.S. justice, Fox says
MEXICO CITY - (AP) -- President Vicente Fox says his government will send top drug lords to face charges in the United States, but warned that ``this could provoke a violent and criminal action on their part.
~Guard the Borders: I Have No Words
~Barbra at-newmediajournal: Fool Me Once, Shame on You
~Greyhawk at: Mudvillegazette
~Pirates Cove: The Senate Doesn't Get It
~Wizbang's: Immigration reform: a modest proposal
~rightwingnews: The Senate's Illegal Immigration Horror Show
~Peakah: In Defense of the Law; Articles of Interest: basil


Protecting U.S. Sovereignty!

Allowing another country to determine how we enforce our immigration laws, will drastically effect the two party system of the United States of America.
Please read and understand what is at stake, here! ~M.B.

What is this precious sovereignty that we need to safeguard?
Why is it central to our existence as a free nation? And how does it relate to our national security? Considering the fact that pro-illegal immigration forces were able to mobilize hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to demonstrate their demands for what Americans have and their rights to the privileges of our citizenship, it is imperative that we understand how much we have to lose. Because once lost, it can never be regained. These issues have been addressed in layman's terms in a series of excellent essays by LinknZona. The first in the series defines security and sovereignty and how the two are irrevocably linked (reproduced below with permission). Links to the follow-on essays provide a step-by-step examination of the true impact of unchecked immigration and permissive illegal immigration on our sovereignty as a nation.
Security and Sovereignty
No. 1: What Are We Talking About?
The words security and sovereignty are related, but quite different in meaning and nuance. Security is a noun meaning safety, the absence of danger or risk. In the national context, it means vigilance and actions taken by the government to prevent invasion, attack, and the sabotage, spying, and treason that accompany them; the totality of measures taken to keep the nation safe and free from danger. More realistically in today’s world, rather than free from danger; security means to minimize the risks or threats.
Sovereignty is a noun and means a government free from external control or the authority of one country to govern another. An important point is the source of sovereignty. The historical model of a kingdom was that the king ruled by divine right. In a totalitarian state power is gained and then held by force and coercion. In democratic countries, i.e. the US, power derives from the people. There are additional forms and various gradations between the definitions, but for the purposes herein...
we will emphasize totalitarian and democratic countries.
One shudders at the thoughts of countries without a history of security: Poland, Israel, and the Low Countries – these have been invaded throughout history and repeatedly have lost their sovereignty. That they stand free today is a tribute to man’s strength and hope. Jordan kicked the Palestinians out of their country and chased them into Lebanon and for more than a quarter of a century Syria held de facto sovereignty over most of Lebanon. In contrast, the United Kingdom has remained a sovereign nation for centuries.
A country can lose its sovereignty in several ways. By conquest, by a division or a ceding as in a small country caught between two powerful neighbors, by appeasing an aggressive neighbor with territory or control, or by allowing migration, or infiltration of peoples from one country into another one until sufficient numbers and power are gained by the infiltrators to demand partitioning or complete control. Thus, we see the link between security and sovereignty. In the ever dangerous world in which we live, sovereignty cannot be maintained without security. Therefore, if sovereignty is the will of the people then they must devise and organize a national strategy for security. Sovereignty requires security from war and conquest, from domination by other countries and partitioning or territorial ceding, security from threats and intimidation, and security from infiltration.

Security and Sovereignty No. 2: Setting the Ground Rules
A summary of the sworn duty of the one person most responsible for our security and sovereignty: the President.
Security and Sovereignty No. 3: The President's Duties
In light of the President’s Constitutional duties to our national security and sovereignty, this essay assesses how he is meeting the obligations of his duty.

Security and Sovereignty No. 4: How Many Illegal Aliens are in America?
Frighteningly enough, no one really knows. The sheer volume of illegal border crossings makes any figure a guesstimate. How secure can our country be when millions of unknown foreigners are crowding our towns and cities?

Security and Sovereignty No. 5: A Tale of Two Small Businesses
What’s the overall economic impact of illegal aliens on American workers and taxpayers? The short answer is they cost America hundreds of billions of dollar a year.
Security and Sovereignty No. 6: A Threat to Our Two Party System and Some Steps We Can Take
This essay outlines the threat of illegal immigration to our sovereignty and what we might do to save America. The short answer is that we must eliminate illegal immigration, preserve our two party system, and restore respect for the rule of law in America.
These essays are offered to our readership because knowledge is power, and forewarned is forearmed. If the pro-illegal alien crowd is geared up towards positioning wide open borders as a "massive immigrant civil rights struggle" then we have to make sure that the "sleeping giant" they've kicked is not ignorant of the ultimate costs of his continued inaction. This giant doesn't have the luxury of sleep anymore - there is too much at stake.
Other's linked to the post compiled by:
Euphoric Reality, and linknzona...
~Don Surber's: Best of Monday
~Basil's: Articles of Interest

Illegal aliens, French Unionists,
and the quotations of Chairman Mao

~searchlightcrusade's excellent:
The Illegal Immigration Debate
Get the word out, by joining us below:

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It is syndicated by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration in our country, join the Blogburst! Send an email with your blog name and url to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.


Putin Halted by Environmentalists

[Anastasiya Vikhrova- Lake Baikal]
Russia - 3 . 26. 06 |
Well, according to RIA Novosti, it appears that
Putin's $11 billion Pacific oil pipeline from East Siberia to
Perevoznaya Bay (near Pacific Ocean port of Nakhodka) is a no-go
(or more than likely put on hold)...
Russia’s environmental watchdog, Rostekhnadzor, gave it
thumbs down prior to the weekend..

The 4,188 kilometers (2,600 mile) pipeline (hoped to begin -08)
Was to stretch from East Siberian oil from Taishet, via the town of
Skovorodino near Chinese border to the Perevoznaya Bay on the Pacific
Ocean. It, unfortunately passes within miles of lake Baikal (Above)
... A big no-no, for a hand-full of environmentalists...

Although was previously approved, other considerations yet to be
explored fully, such as Lake Baikal, world’s largest freshwater bay,
being the end-point of the pipeline travels..

Having created a stir amongst several environmental organizations,
such as: Russian representative offices of Greenpeace,
World Society for the Protection of Animals and World Wildlife Fund
who have already prepared a report on the damaging effects of
Pacific pipeline’s construction and plan to send it to foreign banks
that Transneft may address for a credit.

~Transneft claims that the oil pipeline won’t damage the environment.


~Don Surber's: Best of Sunday,
~Basil's: Articles of Interest

Enforce Our Laws, NOW!

Under the guise of immigration, this ‘mass’ undocumented
crossing at our borders, has become known, quite possibly, as the
largest territorial violation our country has known, to date.
[Fox News; Via-instapundit
"The volume of this crowd (above) serves to show example of
(approx) 100 days entry; near a section of homes!
"We are allowing those south or our borders
to dominate the way we provide citizenship,
thus we are disabling opportunities for other
immigrants around the World."
The article of: Robert J. Samuelson bares repeating...
"Guest workers would mainly legalize today's vast inflows of illegal immigrants, with the same consequence: We'd be importing poverty. This isn't because these immigrants aren't hardworking; many are. Nor is it because they don't assimilate; many do. But they generally don't go home, assimilation is slow and the ranks of the poor are constantly replenished. Since 1980 the number of Hispanics with incomes below the government's poverty line (about $19,300 in 2004 for a family of four) has risen 162 percent. Over the same period, the number of non-Hispanic whites in poverty rose 3 percent and the number of blacks, 9.5 percent. What we have now -- and would with guest workers -- is a conscious policy of creating poverty in the United States while relieving it in Mexico. By and large, this is a bad bargain for the United States." read complete article, here.


Sorbet de Framboise!

View the close-up: click-here!

Best made with "giant-sized" raspberries...
(But smaller will work just fine.)

Don't have an ice-cream maker?.. This easy recipe is for you!

1/4 cup sugar
2/3 cup Water
3- 1/2 cup Raspberries, (plus extra to serve!)
Generous 2 cups Fat-Free Fromage Frais!

~~How to~~
1. Sugar and water in sauce-pan bring to boil
2. Stir till dissolved, pour in pitcher and Chill-it!
3. Put 3- 1/2 cups of raspberries in blender, puree
4. Stir syrup into raspberry purée...chill till COLD!!!
5. Add the fromage frais to purée, whisk till smooth!

-Next, transfer to freezer-proof container; 4 hours

6. Remove from freezer; beat with fork & processor
(to loosen & break up ice-crystals) Beat it again...
7. Now place into final freezer container...
(When firm, use an ice-cream scoop like: here )


Posted at: The Beautiful: Morning Coffee & Afternoon Tea
Carnival of the Recipes #84!

Recent Carnival Update

New carnival added each day.

~Rick Moran: Carnival of the Clueless #38!
~The Owner's Manual: Best of Me Symphony #122!
~Don Surber's: Carnival of the Celebrities!
~Morning Coffee & Afternoon Tea:
Carnival of the Recipes #84!
~Modulator's: Friday Ark #79!

Howard's Iraq-During-Iraq's War

D Guild A OA Awards- March 9-02
The Ron Howard film:
"Last Man Home"
tyro scribe: Moss
-Spec script-
Short description of Howard film:
~Via- Variety
"Set in the days just before President George W. Bush launched full-scale war in 2003, story revolves around a covert U.S. military unit that is on the hunt for an AWOL American soldier in Iraq. The soldier is looking for his brother, who went missing when fighting in the first Gulf War."
~Update: Inthebullpen has more- Ron Howard to Direct Film on:
Covert Operation to find Speicher
[Image: defense linkIraq-01-03]
Defense link's information re: Navy Cmdr. Michael Scott Speicher-
represents accurate information, of Ron Howard's story.
Kuwait Delivering Aid to Iraqis, Hoping to Find POWs
Caption-facts from : Defense link-
"Kuwaiti Foreign Affairs Minister Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld walk past a U.S. military honor guard on their way into the Pentagon April 14. Rumsfeld and al-Sabah discussed Kuwait's humanitarian assistance to Iraq and the 600 Kuwait prisoners of war still unaccounted for after Iraq's 1990 invasion." Stikkel.
Wolfowitz: Iraq Knows More About Missing U.S. Airman
"As Ron Howard has proven his ability as director,
I'm almost inclined to say that, as long as he plays Hussein fairly, for the ruthless, murderous dictator that he was, it will be ok...But with solders actively engaged in battle, and the struggle of the Iraqi's against the vacuum of secretarial violence...I hope it will not support the enemy."~M.B...
Why do I Wonder?...
Daily News-."Anti-war mom Cindy Sheehan, fresh from being arrested outside President Bush's State of the Union speech, got a five-minute standing ovation from Ron Howard, Marisa Tomei, Sally Field and others at the V-Day L.A. benefit premiere of Eve Ensler's: The Good Body.
Haha~ Maybe it will be a film like Jarhead. (View-Trailer)
Don Surber's: Carnival of the Celebrities!
Visit his All New Blog!

Parliament to Curb Violence

Women seem remarkably resilient... And to a large extent, are...But the mental health functioning in families of domestic violence, correlate with a further increase in statistical violence. So, when you see a country with uncontrollable violence...You are seeing, just the by-product.

The above image pulled by Ministry of Justice, from TV commercial
FRANCE: New Punishment- 30 years in reclusion

In a unanimous vote (Thursday, March 23rd) Representatives of French Parliament adopted the private bill against conjugal violence, of which the incurred punishment is 30 years in reclusion (prison)... The law defines, explicitly, those offenses of conjugal violence between: married, common
law husbands, or between former spouses. Including: the case of rape.

Also proposed by the mission of the National Assembly, were measures of fight against sexual mutilations, the sexual tourism and the pédopornographie, and forced marriages...(To address the later, the legal age of the marriage for the girls from 15, to now: 18 years old; was voted by all the political groups.)
...Continue to read: more...(French)
More and more, the religious law of the middle east has found
its way amidst the culture of France. Getting help for those
who are victimized, and removal of these offenders, is
hoped to save lives, as it aids in crime prevention.
France estimates that every four days a woman is a
fatal victim of domestic violence.
I am not sure if batters, rapists, or pedophiles can be re-habilitated,
but of these crimes which specifically target women,
often it is the women or children which are...
Removed by death.

Might the women, who endured the insanity of these attackers
(above) have been helped, had crimes of conjugal violence
been regarded with less passivity, in our country?
~The one (left) pled manslaughter (parole after 8 years)
~The one on (right) We all know how that turned out...
Rick Moran hosts:
Carnival of the Clueless #38!


Ready? Smile, Butterscotch...

"Yeah.. Whatever."

~~It's Friday Catblogging~~
Time for the Modulator's.....
Friday Ark #79!
View the Cats, the Dogs, the birds, etc!
scribblings is hosting:
The Carnival of the Cats #105!

Celebration in Rwanda

Day 5 of the
Rwanda Expedition

Twenty percent of the world
remain without safe drinking water...

During this week's events of
World Water Day-2006:
"Something as simple as a water cistern,
now collects water for 1500 children"~M.B.

View the films of:
~Celebration at the Gitaraga Cistern.
~Richard Bangs and Greg Cummings
with the Gorilla Organization
present guest:
Daryl Hannah
At the "Ribbon-cutting ceremony."
with WW Day Group

Beyond US Contribution

"International Partnerships will pave the way for
increased capital towards humanitarian causes". M.B.

China-Russia Detail:
Rosneft President Sergei Bogdanchikov said his firm
and the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)
had agreed to set up two companies...
~One to explore for and produce oil in Russia...
~One to refine and market fuel in China.
Included: A 200,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery and petrol
stations, with CNPC in talks to buy a billion-dollar stake to
buy into Rosneft's planned IPO, through which it hopes to
raise a world-record $20 billion!

"Great changes are being made, which is good news for the
United States. Ability for other countries to increase,
and enhance their contributions towards
Humanitarian causes."~M.B.

In a March 23rd article of the Opinion Journal...
What a world without U.S. power looks like.

Today (3/23/06) statistics in Darfur:
~200,000 civilians killed (in past three years)
~Two million more became refugees.
~Problem source: Arab rulers in Khartoum
These Arab rulers have equipped Janjaweed Arab tribesmen
to ethnic cleanse black Muslims in western Sudan, and now
attacking civilians in Chad. This atrocity, is creating
20,000 more refugees!
For two years Kofi Annan and former Secretary of State
Colin Powell labeled it "genocide...

World roll call, no longer need look like this:

The Chinese (who have close commercial ties to Khartoum)
and Russians have blocked any serious intervention.
The Arab League--so quick to denounce Danish cartoons,
but opposed any attempt to single out Khartoum,
"Will hold its meeting in Khartoum to discuss, Darfur."
The African Union, never to say a discouraging word,
about murderous neighboring Africans
(Created a politically-failed military mission.)
French military bases are in neighboring Chad and
could establish a no-fly zone to stop Janjaweed bombing,
(though are already occupied with the Ivory Coast.)
Read about the UN's Darfur mission retreat
(Intimidated, the U.N. envoy to Sudan Jan Pronk, "withdrew.")
Evidently, Al Qaeda terrorists in Khartoum threatened to
retaliate against U.N. mission...

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