
Fox Policy on Mexico's Immigrants

What does Mexico do with their illegals??
click here

From a visitor looking for lost family:
"There are not words to describe this prison. It is the dirtiest, darkest, and most overcrowded place I have ever been...The conditions of the 'streets' inside the prison were broken and grimy and always covered with trash and dirty water."

Cuban Riots prompt security elevation
"An estimated 500 Cubans detained each year...
Make up a tiny fraction of the approximately 250,000
undocumented foreigners detained in Mexico annually."
-article: March 08, 2006
"Mexico legally has several choices of action for these approximately 250,000 undocumented foreigners (men and women) fugitives, criminals, immigrants, detained in Mexico jails...Mexico can RELEASE TO A THIRD COUNTRY, deport to their home country, collect bribes or continue to jail, or asylum...
Druglords will face U.S. justice, Fox says
FOX: Talks of illicit drug trade and legalization
~Bloody riots in Jarez, Mexico
~Cuban riots prompt security elevation
~Prison Riots in Mexico City

The seventh Cuban uprising or mass escape in one year
"An estimated 500 Cubans detained each year make up a tiny fraction of the approximately 250,000
undocumented foreigners detained in Mexico annually."
[Guerrilla: US intervention-59-98]
~Examine the bigger picture click-here
~All content © | using: Digimarc -06
~I've printed this before~
This is the area our government is planning to grow, &
expand into the US...
If you do not live near these areas (as I do) you will not see
that many have already viewed illegal entry, identified as drug
Cartel. Hillary Clinton claimed that the ports deal was the
"biggest risk to American security", well maybe instead of counting
votes from the other side of our country, she should drop down to
Mexico, and take a good look at the guerillas, and lawlessness that
she and the lobbyists will expand through our borders.

Meanwhile: El Paso, TX, Las Cruces, NM, Juarez., MX
Death Toll Rises Following Juarez Prison Riot
Druglords will face U.S. justice, Fox says
MEXICO CITY - (AP) -- President Vicente Fox says his government will send top drug lords to face charges in the United States, but warned that ``this could provoke a violent and criminal action on their part.
~Guard the Borders: I Have No Words
~Barbra at-newmediajournal: Fool Me Once, Shame on You
~Greyhawk at: Mudvillegazette
~Pirates Cove: The Senate Doesn't Get It
~Wizbang's: Immigration reform: a modest proposal
~rightwingnews: The Senate's Illegal Immigration Horror Show
~Peakah: In Defense of the Law; Articles of Interest: basil

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