This could have been an additional "Democrat Party-Line" $4Trillion in stimulus, by a Dem controlled House; had the people (minus Unions) failed to VOTE THEM OUT.

You know... Passage of Cap and TAX, more "misapplied" Obamacare, and a host of VAT, EPS, IRS expanded Rangel code writings... From a Party that simply does not understand the "cause & effect" of over-taxation; and stripping FROM the economy...
Today's Links...
New spin: $78 billion below Obama request: []
Democrat fix included $38B cut, by pulling back money allocated but not spent; which has no effect on future spending..... GOP cuts are coming from budget baselines, so growth in the programs cut back, will be growing from a lower base. #
It's simple: Cut the deficit spending:
Or we'll be destroyed by rising interest rates! [Read]

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