
NASA's James Webb "Next Generation" Space Telescope; begins final cryogenic testing (Videos)

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France/US)

Another Key Milestone… #

NASA's Next Great Observatory...

Credit: NASA/MSFC/David Higginbotham

-Video: Demo 2: More detail [Here]
-Video: TS Visit: Behind the Webb [View]

-VIDEO: F.A.Q.. w/ cryogenics demo [View]


Caption: The James Webb Space [Telescope] features a mirror 21.3 feet across that consists of 18 separate, hexagon-shaped mirrors. The mirror components are being tested both individually & together. (cont.)

Image: Goodard SFC; Md. Ball Aerospace Boulder Colo; L-3- Tinsley Laboratories Inc. in Richmond, Calif...
Credit: Chris Gunn [Flicker]

-From Magggie: Reflections on Webb’s Mirrors! [VIEW]

(cont.) A specially designed vacuum chamber at Marshall Space Flight Center simulates the extreme conditions of spa, subjecting the mirror segments to temperatures as low as 400 degrees below zero. credit: NASA

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