City Council Member Regina Romero asked for legal advice on whether the City of Tucson should sue the State of Arizona over SB1070... After the executive session, they had a time for public comment... (cont. below)
Gabriella (in video) was born in Mexico but immigrated the United States legally; and spoke against the idea that the city should sue the state....
Looks like the very Legal procedures for acquiring citizenship, have created new citizens with greater respect and passion for our laws & principals; than the actual elected officials...
This happens all too often... Maybe all new bills should be read aloud before any reflections are made... Hotair has another video which explains why some seek to drive a wedge within society...
-Regina Romero sought to boycott her own state??

-Maybe its time for Gabriella to take this seat in the next election!
-ACE points to this Peggy Noonan article: READ.