
"Evil this, evil that"... And then the Government completely replicates it

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France & US)

Looks like Dems are re-making America; one train station at a time... When they receive a little "negative feed-back"... They just pass it into partial law, and set it back on the shelf for awhile...

Seen here, during the "evil oil-producers" phase I.... Before the "evil bankers" phase 2... Horse & pony show to extract more TAX from the American people...
NOTE: Old video, same unfolding problem...

I've never seen such a group feel so much more at home as they escalate crisis; while being completely baffled in the face of balance & legitimate policy.

Free people seem to slow-down their 'hammer and sickle'... And our Constitutional policy? Well that just has to be, one big fat inconvenience.
(Now they make it obvious... But who's next?)

Today's Links...
The Dust Bowl Congress created: VIEW.
Shutting off water to 6th generation farmers!

Video: Rep Ryan: The Left’s Shell Game: VIEW.
Dems transfer $6.7 billion from one taxpayer-funded bailout account to another. Read.

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