
Botched disaster response leaves endangered species & gulf region, victims of 'larger than Katrina' disaster

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France& US)

Video shows federal officials knew quickly of potential for massive oil flow in Gulf spill VIEW.
-NOAA Video Still 4/22/10 [Enlarge]
(Video edited, screen-grab remains)

The BP oil rig is far beyond the 3 mile limit of State's jurisdiction... Therefore not within these State's authority to proceed, especially on their operating budget... Read.

-BP Exploration Plan: [PDF]
Lease moved drill from safe loc; to a 'get in get out' plan; View Lease Sections which compromised regional safety; as Obama leads U.S. through one moral hazard after another...
-NY Daily News: Meanwhile: 1.6M gallons spilled, still spilling.

"This region has one of the biggest concentrations of sensitive marine ecosystems in the world, and a very tight dependence of human societies and economies with those marine systems," said Rader.Read.

10 Species Risk:

NOAA Oil Trajectory

Scientists fear: Birds & endangered turtles in Gulf of Mexico oil spill #
The animals threatened most by the spill are bluefin tuna, sea turtles, brown pelicans, shrimp and sharks...Richard Page, an oceans campaigner with the environmental group Greenpeace. "It's the most endangered species of sea turtle that there is, and they'll be ingesting oil and toxins. I'm sure there will be deaths."Read more.

Meanwhile, as Louisianans work to save these species... I get the impression that much of our Nation do not realize the severity of all of this... Not only potential for extinction of many migratory species; impact of weather patterns, and furthered climate instability for Asia/mid-Atlantic region.

China's recent Great Barrier Reef oil spill #

(April 2010) David Wachenfeld, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park spokesman, said that the Sheng Neng 1 created the largest grounding scar on the Great Barrier Reef known to date...

The scar was roughly 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) long and 250 m (820 ft) wide. Some damaged areas have become completely devoid of marine life. Read.

There are concerns that there could be considerable long-term damage to the reef and it will be 10 to 20 years before the reef returns to the state it was in before the incident... By 13 April 2010 oil tar balls were washing up on the beaches of North West Island, a significant bird rookery and turtle nesting colony...

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