
Branches of US Gov: Judicial, Executive, & Legislative -EPA? Not in our Constitution!

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France/US)

Krauthammer talks to Bret Baier about the spontaneous EPA regulations for carbon dioxide... Via: Copenhagen

"Look, it’s blackmail...
A way of saying to Congress: "Either you do cap-and-trade or we’re gonna do cap, no trade."

Climategate: Barack Obama’s rule by EPA decree is a coup d’etat against Congress, made in Britain [Telegraph]

Flash-back in May: Sen. Barrasso grills EPA Administrator on "smoking-gun Memo"
-Note the EPA language: "Smart choice" ( = political interests)

Let's see... In true DATA; the magnitude of CO2 and water vapor emissivity & absorptivity are the same, however, the concentration of CO2 (0.04%) is much less than water 1% in atmosphere... meaning that water vapor effect on the climate change must be much larger than CO2...

Looks to me like CO2 (over water vapor) was a "constructed" taxable work-around; in order to collect from a large percentage of Tax-payers living in drought-prone areas... Scientific tax-tyranny! (Hahaha)

The carbon-trading racket: Read.

Profiteers: at Expense of Poor -impacted by Inflationary Tax: Read.
Summary: The CO2 push enables Gov officials and their special interests to directly benefit in Banker's derivatives markets, largely funded and at the expense of tax-payers; who assume all risk via additional Bank bail-outs...
(Multi- taxation: Emissions cuts, on top of existing inflation!)

Just returned from travel...
Will post SOLUTION to CO2 hysteria in an hour or two.
WOW! Looks like U.S. is getting huge snow-storms! (more later)

GOP steps forward...

Yes, this would give EPA authority to tax trillion$ each year...
Though (haha ) not at all likely... It's just the idea that you would place the authority like this, without a Congressional vote...

At worst case scenario; it would cost millions of jobs...

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