
Better Bees: Super Bee and Wild

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) US

Remembering California bee colonies, of (07-08) struck by Colony Collapse Disorder (etc).
Luckily there were: Rental Bees!

Interesting interview with two Northern California researchers who, through evolving tests and developments, are insuring bee colonies will stay in positive balance... And this is essential for the pollination of fruit and nut crops...
Duration: 8:00 Min...

QUEST on KQED Public Media.

ROSES, Fresh from my Camera! VIEW!

And I was (some-what) right... (A little Scientific Theory.)
"I believe that bees (who have fewer genes encoding cuticle proteins) also had a communal life with less need for Physical self-defense, than was previously understood." Read more.

Today's Links...
-Bees, Bees, Bees: [IMAGES]
-URBAN BEE Gardens: Read.
-Better Bees: [PDF]

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