
Earth's Evolution of Rose & Bee

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France/US)

Fresh from my camera! Roses from my garden upon my return!
These were actually "3" little tiny buds; now flowered onto one stem.
Beautiful travel in the past several days... But wonderful to be home.

Barbay's Garden: 5-8-07 Home at Last!

I have emails from friends concerned about apparent disappearance of honey-bees... While looking at my smiling rose garden... Man's story of nature’s plan can also be seen inside the thorns upon the stem, as faith that another flower will be...

The Rose's Kiss A Natural History of Flowers; by Sir Peter Bernhardt. [read]
From the earliest of archives, a rose in the wild produced only five petals… And many were the size of the head of a pin!
"Man has taught flowers to paint themselves, to create a desired amount of perfume, and to adjust the timing to accommodate his thirst for blooms ‘out of season’...(---) "
While we ask... "where are they?" and, "have they disappeared?" ...
They, through migration and adaptation, instinctively adapt to future Earth changes, via a long evolutionary process toward survival.

Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder, mites, climate changes, pesticides; for all of these reasons; we must find some commonality in the solution.

An observation...
I believe that bees, which have fewer genes encoding cuticle proteins; also had a communal life with less need for Physical self-defense, than was previously understood. (more below)

-Bee Photographed by Laurant

-This appears to be rapidly changing! But is, in reality, the continuing process, of which has been ages in the making...

Today, a stronger relative of the bee is emerging...We take a look at a recently cracked code which led to a profound observation of the genetic blueprint of the western honeybee: Apis mellifera...

Their link to mammals (now revealed) as honeybees spread into Europe from Africa; making at least 2 ancient migrations. Split into two genetically different European populations which, according to DNA evidence, are more closely related to African honeybees than to each other!

-SCIENTISTS identify oldest known bee: #

"A tiny specimen preserved in amber dating back 100 million years. The insect, trapped in tree sap, is at least 35 million years older than any other known such fossil...

-It appears to be a "missing link", sharing features of both bees and wasps, which support theories of bee evolution. #

Africanized Honey Bees: Morph for Survival:
Experts believe pollen-dependent bees arose from carnivorous wasp ancestors. With their arrival, flowering plants blossomed on Earth. Prior to about 100 million years ago, the plant world was dominated by conifers which spread their seeds on the wind. [Read more]

-A look at the African Killer Bee Nests: [Found globally]

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