
NASCAR Stands Proud w/ (+1) McCain!

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Zogby: McCain up (1)! hotair!
This flag has waved far longer, for Freedom, than Leftists' vision of mass Government dependancy.
Image: Jonathan Ferrey/Getty (NASCAR)

In her full glory, she represents a free media, markets; as a flowing representation of Market exchange! And when she arrives at a Cup-race, or Super-bowl; those proud to compete and attend, Can't stop cheering!

Schlatter Brings US Flag to the Race During Anthem...

LOGIC: If we are to change the course of our Nation, those AT THE TOP must (first) be held accountable! McCain and Palin are the only who are motivated and capable of shaking up Washington! In the last week, an overwhelming majority demand a stop to the slow 'chip away' of our Constitutional principals; & the violation of citizen's rights!
NO retreat from Democracy!

ZOGBY SATURDAY: hotair says,
"Republican John McCain has pulled back within the margin of error… McCain outpolled Obama 48% to 47% in Friday, one day, polling. He is beginning to cut into Obama’s lead among independents, is now leading among blue collar voters, has strengthened his lead among investors and among men, and is walloping Obama among NASCAR voters. Joe the Plumber may get his license after all."read more. VIDEO: Here!
Americans don't want a ruling class hoping to transform us, by weakening us! And especially a Leader who will sit down with Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, (etc) but won't sit down with citizen journalists who want to ask tough questions!

Today's Wake-up Links:
Government doesn't need to mandate Generosity! read.
For over two hundred 32 years, despite our flaws; Americans have a long history of being one of the most generous Nations in the World. Heightened whenever our government gets out of our way.

Trillions go to the World Stage... Slideshow
Let America have its own elections! Liberals will trim defense, & donations!
As UNRA says, the US is the only immediate donor of 187 million to the Palestinians. (One of the many recent examples.)

AP: Hawaii ending universal child health care: read.
Liberals' rapid expansion of Government programs, could impact huge financial hardship... As with the case in Hawaii: Dr. Kenny Fink said, "People who were already able to afford health care, began to stop paying for it, so they could get it for free."

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