
Tuesday's News Excerpts

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

The Good News... We can still vote directly to rid America of the Democrat Congress (see left.)
The Bad News: We can indirectly vote to retain them! Elections have consequences!


With a Dem Congress approval rating (7% and falling) your vote starts Nov 4th! The 'no-energy' Sub-prime sponsoring, Dem Congress must go! McCain won't retain them; and (where due) Palin will seek justice for the 89% of Americans, not connected with Dem's mortgage financial mess!

America's new bailout Tzar identified...
Appointed by Democrat Sec. Tres. (Goldman Sachs) Paulson

Tribune's Washington Bureau says:#
"Can hardly wait for Kashkari to appear before Congress so we can hear more details on the toxic-asset purchase plan." Turns out rescuing the economy will take a rocket Scientist... Story.
Getty/M. Fayer

Meanwhile, the Treasury Department issued guidelines for its selection of asset managers. as well as guidelines for an area that has many critics of the program concerned, the potential for conflicts of interest.

Tiny country of Iran mistakes Hungarian Falcon jet, for US fighter Jet.
Just for the record, here's a US Fighter-jet: [Enlarge!]

Passengers were forced-down by Iranian Air force, interrogated, and then later released; after unintentionally straying over the border en route to Afghanistan, from Turkey. Story.

Meanwhile, America keeps focus on stabilizing the markets. (Iran is too?)

Another day, another Obama money scandal...
This time it's reported by the news media?? Did he miss a payment?

Obama funneled State Money:
MSM: The Associated Press has probed Barack Obama’s earmarking activities in the Illinois state senate and discovered two grants that put state money in the hands of Michelle Obama’s cousin. Capers Funnye received $75,000 from Obama for his organization... Hotair

Hotair says: Barack Obama reveled in that system. He sent money to friends and family (Michael Pfleger and Jeremiah Wright were two more recipients of his largesse) as an Illinois state senator, and as a US Senator, he sent money to his wife’s employer.

Obama requested more than a million dollars a day in earmarks in his first three years in the Senate. He’s not part of the solution to Washington’s corruption — he’s part of the problem." read more.

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