1-2-3.... Live Debate is over...VIDEO
Global Nations slowly abandon the mechanisms of Socialism; and are doing so with a widening middle class; and a depart from years of failed cycles of trying to find enough tax-payers to cover it all... Reform is needed, and not rioting voters. McCain's plan to get to the root of today's crisis; by buying up mortgages...Is (in my view as a home-owner) essential to all steps forward...
First, it will stop the devaluation of properties, strengthen dollar, keep credit in a turn-around... And this is encouraging to people, businesses, and stability of populations... Also, McCain may not win the vanity debate, but he won balanced Foreign policy, hands down...
-UPDATE: Slublog: An economist sounds the alarm!
The Town Hall Debate: Two McCain Successes Washington Post - 1 hour ago Before the debate began, I wrote down two questions to guide my judgment of McCain's performance. First, would McCain be able to raise questions about Obama's views and values without being snide...
LIVE: Presidential Debate (Nashville)And now, a little Newsbusted Humor... Enjoy your day.... (More later)