Image: kiichiro Sato
UPDATE: Felons, no problem... Democrats will Drive you to Vote!
Homeless Diven to Vote Obama. Yousefzadeh writes of Arests, & "Diebold."
Obama slams McCain for calling for a commission to review economic crisis. VIDEO. Today, he says that Campaign ‘Smears’ are Evidence McCain is 'Running Out of Time'-VIDEO.
From Obama Shock Troops:
In 1992, Acorn hired Mr. Obama to run a voter registration effort. He later became a trainer for the group, as well as its lawyer in election law cases.
ACORN-affiliated Project Fraud: LOOK AT THIS!
A little more 'Obama/Acorn' background...
(Warning: Loud!)
Acorn's political arm has endorsed Mr. Obama while its "voter education" arm has pledged to spend $35 million to register people this fall -- despite a history of vote fraud scandals that have led to guilty pleas by many Acorn employees.
A subject that Obama cares not to talk about... He skipped out early on a press conference with reporters asking about his ties to corrupt Chicago fundraiser Tony Rezko. VIDEO
But as FBI Sting continues its investigation:
Why did he hide a $832,598 Payment To ACORN? View.

Sweetness & Light says:
"Which adds up to $9,612,115 in “payments” in just three years. By the way, “Citizens Services/Consulting” is Project Vote’s accountants. Coincidentally, they also keep the books for ACORN. Lest we forget, it was recently uncovered that the Obama campaign paid $832,598 to Citizens Services, Inc."
Obama says that he has never worked for Acorn:
Note that according to their Forms 990 ACORN and Project Vote (and Citizens Services) once again share the same address:

More on Voter Irregularities...
Vote Early, Vote Often absentee voting, registering the ‘residence is a state of mind’ homeless voters, allowing felons to vote, and of course the dead and illegal voters.
ht: redstate
"It's a perfect opportunity for them to come in, register at a temporary address like a homeless shelter or a YMCA or something like that. They can register at that address because they don't know where they're going to be tomorrow or next week."More Stories Today:
View Sample of Obama Int'l Ramped Donation Fraud- Here.
GOP to file fundraising complaint against Obama: More.
re: FBI's on-going Sting (Investigation Shocker)
Note: This is not McCain Camp, this is the FBI Sting.