
Home of Brave: Land of Free -vs- Obama (

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

My European -American ancestors were a family of medicine, who made peace & developed solidarity with the Indians of the 1800's... And as our families stood together, time & tradition grew from this alliance...

"Flying Hawk" 1900's

Vote like you know the difference between Obama's 'Odinga-style' Government... and "We the People" of actual Americans!

Obama's votes show 500% increase in federal excise tax on firearms and ammunition, a ban on hunting rifles, & firearms for self-defense; and weigh heavily against an entire culture of Native Americans.

Join and Vote to support preservation of our 2nd amendment.

Before you vote, view the many Constitutional principals, violated by Obama camp, during this election process; while Media was paid to look the other way... Google it, if you have a whole day to read... More.

IMAGE: From Simon (UK)
(McCain Family)

"John McCain offers Republicans vision rooted in reality; not Barack Obama's empty promises." read.

CLOSING THE DEAL: Election 08 -Final Examination.

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