
Obama Campaign cuts TV Interview after Tough Questions Upset Biden

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) writes:
First-hand account of the heated interview... NOTE: Every single answer by Joe Biden is FALSE; and easily disproved by Federal Tax statements, citizen affidavits, and various public records, ALL of which are censored by the Media! (examples below)

WFTV Video (below) was pulled by the Obama camp... Is this America?!

Everyone knows that middle class small business America... Provide employment for 6 to nine employees, which exceed 3 to 4 times the $250,00 Obama non-taxable; which means layoffs for workers... Period.

-More observations of VIDEO above- from the Orlando Sentinel blog of Hal Boedeker the TV Guy.

-It was Barbara West's tough questions that surprised him...

Obama Management should not be allowed to apply 'edits' to the $832,598 he paid to Citizens Services, Inc. Especially after Obama's falsified statements that "he had NEVER" worked with ACORN! "Recorded-archives clearly show that the Obama Campaign and GOTV hired ACORN to get out the vote for them... Period.

Also: Sweetness & Light shows the $9,612,115 in “payments” in just three years.
(By the way, “Citizens Services/Consulting” is Project Vote’s accountants... Coincidentally, they also keep the books for ACORN.)
And again, note that according to their Forms 990 ACORN and Project Vote (and Citizens Services) once again share the same address...

I know in my heart that Vote Fraud, and wealth distribution schemes are wrong for America. I pray everyday that honesty will find its way into this election.

Today's Links...
ACE exposes his OWN receipts of Obama website FEC Vote Violations.
"Federal Voter credit-card security, deliberately turned it off." More.

VIDEO- Kenyan de je vous: Rumors of Vote Rigging before a Single ballot was cast… Obama campaigns for his Kenyan relative, Odinga: VIDEO

gatewaypundit: Don't call us Stalinist or we'll shut you down.

Obama Sued Citibank Under CRA to Force it to Make Bad Loans:read.
Today we find out that not only did Obama train ACORN workers in his past, but he represented the scandal-plagued socialist organization in court!

ACORN Investigations: - Rotten ACORN - Housing Crisis - The ACORN Obama Knows - ACORN AHC Report (PDF)

Obama’s Liberal Shock Troops - ACORN- Wall Street Journal - Case Study: Chicago-The Barack Obama Campaign (

Obama’s Ties To ACORN More Substantial than first believed (
Rathke steps down as ACORN chief over embezzlement charges.
New York Times

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