Kibo Means Hope... Next reach Glast.

JEM, also called Kibo, in its new home on the ISS, this view depicts Kibo's exterior, backdropped by solar array panels for the orbital outpost and one of its trusses. (Enlarge Image) Credit: NASA
Significant discoveries to evolve (STS-124)
Driven by Sight & Sound, we want to believe...
"In the thin elliptical slice of the sky, where hypothetical alien astronomers could have easily detected earth and its habitability" -Alexis Madrigal writes:
Astronomers Turn Toward What has Already Found Us .
Call it empathetic astronomy...Read more.
A Johns Hopkins astronomer argues that we're more likely to find signals from alien civilizations... Richard Conn Henry, presented the idea at the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society, saying in a release:
Through spectroscopic analysis of our atmosphere, they will know that Earth likely bears life.Read more."Those civilizations ... that inhabit star systems that lie close to the plane of the Earth's orbit around the sun will be the most motivated to send communications signals toward Earth because those civilizations will surely have detected our annual transit across the face of the sun, telling them that Earth lies in a habitable zone, where liquid water is stable. VIDEO: Allen's ATA
IMAGE: NASA- Spacewalkers Mike Fossum and Ron Garan replaced a nitrogen tank assembly, installed TV equipment and removed a thermal cover from Japan’s new robotic arm...