Update: Gold slips to session lows as dollar firms.
There has to be a moment of truth, as to which countries do not want our dollar to stabilize... Right now the poorest of the world place badly against investors trying to induce huge gains, or to manifest, or drive a point...

Sure enough....Oil prices fall on comments on US dollar - 8 hours ago
"Many investors buy commodities such as oil as a hedge against inflation when the US dollar weakens. But on Monday, the effect reversed; the dollar gained...
Investors who bet on rising oil prices, and profited all the way up; then reversed field, and bet on falling Oil prices...
Speculators Caught on the wrong side of Oil Market.
At Monday eve. Fed Conference:
Bernanke Says Risk of 'Substantial Downturn' Lessens:
Vows Inflation Fight... #
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Despite a recent spike in the nation's unemployment rate, the danger that the economy has fallen into a "substantial downturn" appears to have waned, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Monday.
"Even with extensive research over the years, much remains to be learned about both inflation forecasting and inflation control", Bernanke said. And there are areas where additional research could prove helpful.I could obviously write more from the market sheets of certain members of the Int'l community who have exerted HUGE effort (since 2006) to rally others try to keep my Nation from stabilizing... Keep in mind... These investors have little intention of replacing the US with even a fraction of the amount of World aid that we provide to the poor. And that is who they are hurting...
The Fed "will strongly resist an erosion of longer-term inflation expectations, as an unanchoring of those expectations would be destabilizing for growth as well as for inflation," Bernanke said