Italy rejects criticism of measures...
Italy's foreign minister shrugged off the latest criticism of draft legislation to make illegal immigration a jailable offence. #
Image: Silvio Berlusconi
Contrary to the opinion of rights organizations, sovereignty belongs to a Nation's citizens who exert preferences through their constitutional system...
Franco Frattini said illegal immigration was already a criminal offence in France, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
"Should the bill be approved, I will be in fine company since the ... (measure) is already in force in important countries of the (European) Union," he said in an interview published on Tuesday in Il Messaggero newspaper. Read more.His actions may very well prevent the Next Decade Cultural Wars...
PS: I'm still in Italy, today... Will return (Moujan) tomorrow...
The proposal is part of a package of measures against illegal immigration drafted by Silvio Berlusconi's government which have caused concern in Europe that they might foment racism... Read more.
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