
Catch the Electrical Wave (Ocean Thermal)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)
America's 1970's Ocean Energy innovation!
(Hawaii, Lockheed, Alfa Laval Thermal & Dillingham Corp.)
Mini OTEC was deployed in July, 1979, and became the first successful at-sea OTEC plant the following month by producing net OTEC power. In the following year, the National Society of Professional Engineers awarded Mini-OTEC as being one of the ten outstanding engineering achievements of that year in the United States.#
(Former) Hawaii's "Energy for tomorrow" Story
Visit NELHA website: here.

Deep Pipelines for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion...
Interesting story (below video) by Michael Giberson; who explains what slowed this technology in America... And (further below) The strides toward a more affordable (and larger scale) technology within the Int'l community.

The 79' hook up created a successful OTEC demonstration. The technology was there, and the ocean thermal energy conversion system worked as designed...
Video OTEC platform, moored 12 miles off the Kona Coast:

HT: Instapundit
Ocean thermal power systems back under development Story.
Michael Giberson writes:
"Geothermal power generators use temperature differences between the surface and areas deeper in the earth to move a gas or liquid through a loop and drive a turbine." (One example is the Chena Geothermal Power Plant in Alaska. See the related project at the Chena Hot Springs Aurora Ice Museum, which uses 165°F water from geothermal well to help keep ice museum cold.)

"Ocean thermal power systems work on similar principles, but, to state the obvious difference, underwater rather than underground. A story in the LaCrosse Tribune (Wisconsin) discusses work by an 80-year old Wisconsin engineer who obtained some patents on related inventions in the early 1980s, but saw interest in ocean thermal generation drop off as energy prices fell." Read more

Interesting article:
US Ocean Power Technologies Raises $90.1 Million In IPO
Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. has announced the completion of its initial public offering of 5,000,000 shares of its common stock in the United States at $20 per share. The Company raised an impressive $90.1 million after fees and expenses.

The shares sold in the offering are listed on The NASDAQ Global Market and OPT plans to apply for these shares to be listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.

Image: Naib at

So much to mention Internationally. The Dane's continuing success:
Per Steenstrup CEO Wavestar Energy already connected to Danish electricity grid; gives a talk on WaveStar! Their future solution, which seeks to stream-line the cost toward large scale electricity production...
They've withstood the storms... (But cameraman is curiously negligent! Haha)

Portugal caught the wave with valuable plans for a commercial wave farm. The Aguçadora Wave Park near Póvoa de Varzim, though efforts to install three Pelamis P-750 machines generating 2.25 MW!
Image Left: Wave Power!

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