As the Director of the clip below, writes...
"Yesterday I heard Medvedev would visit Berlin for political talks. Also scheduled was short trip to the WWII memorial for fallen Russian soldiers...
Image: Tea drinking in the Kremlin
by Michael Maximov
Today's Links:
Russian finance minister questions abilities of oil and gas cartels.
"Kudrin said he took a similarly cautious approach to plans to create a gas equivalent of OPEC, an idea first launched by then-Russian president Vladimir Putin in 2001 and enthusiastically backed by Iran." Read more.
Media Discouragement, Oil Hikes, and America's multi-trillion USD Monthly cash flow amidst massive aid donations! The 2008 pine for the National PEG.
"Turning Moscow into a major global financial centre and making the ruble a leading regional reserve currency are the key components in ensuring the competitiveness of our financial system." Video.
Medvedev calls for Europe to lift trade limits on Russia
"We are prepared to look into the possibility of creating international consortiums for the operation of pipelines by companies from Russia, the European Union and the transit countries,” Medvedev said. “This is the interdependence that we are talking about in Europe and in the world as a whole." More.