Seven Republicans, mostly moderates, voted for the procedural motion on the legislation while four Democrats voted against it...

Yet Republican opponents saw a Democratic majority that wasn't ready to fully debate the bill and endorse the long-term costs of
The new regime of environmental regulations. More.
The Senate's 500-page global warming bill was steeped with increased energy costs, etc...
After the bill failed, Democrat Senator Boxer said:
"We're getting ready for the next president of the United States, who we know ... will be hospitable to this bill." More.
THE TRUTH: Several Democrats were unavailable for vote; but failure hoped to make good '08 Obama Election fodder'... The UK knows that Senator McCain (R) is eager to talk and move along with a workable strategy to tackle what is in front of us...
McCain's strategy is reasonable, and likely to be voted by all...
Democrats yank global Warming bill.
Vote on gas prices, clean-energy technology, or on protecting American jobs wasn't on the agenda for vote... But they did take a fancy to the 'cap-and-trade system' for emissions that was the centerpiece of the bill...
Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said:
"On the one hand, the majority says climate change is the most important issue facing the planet. Yet they’ve rushed the debate on that topic and brought the bill to a premature end. They brought it down before we could vote on gas prices, on clean-energy technology, or on protecting American jobs." #.
Media strangely omit this Detail... A number of industrial-state Democrats such as Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio were uncomfortable with the strong emissions caps that would have created a new regime of regulations for coal, auto and other manufacturing industries. Republicans, for the most part, held firm against a bill they said would cost billions in regulations while pushing the cost of gas higher.More.