
'Victories' in the streets of Lebanon?!

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

They claim 'victory' in the streets, as Iranian-backed Hezbollah and its allies seized large swaths of Muslim west Beirut... But who could see this as a "victory" for those demonstrating "might?" These are war-torn tragic people of Lebanon!

Bullies flex for the weak, to prevent reaction by the strong... And peace is not submitting to the demands of intimidation, cohersion, and fear... It is building amidst trust, and securing quality of life.

Is this the Lebanon that Hezbollah armies have "superiority" over?
View 30 Years of War and Post War, in Lebanon - 14 minutes

Film Credits:
Writer and Director: Pierre Dawalibi | Shepherd & VO: Mounir MaAssri | Animator: Selim Rashed | Music Composer: Elie Zarka | Editing: Fuad Arsanios
VIDEO: "For many wise reasons, Allah made the human voice untouchable, so the hand cannot reach out and strangle it." more.

HT: Pam: The Syrian/Iranian Hezbollah's closure (and re-open) of Future tv; resulted in 81 deaths as Hezbollah torched buildings... This country has been through ENOUGH!
War in Lebanon | Day 6 in PhotosHere.
Published: Monday, 12 May, 2008 @ 7:35 PM in Beirut (GMT+2)
"With practically no weapons, the Druze men took on the menacing rockets of Hezbollah. Druze fighters in Mount Lebanon refused to sit quietly while Hezbollah militiamen ravaged their homes and shops. Read more
Map Of Conflict In Tripoli
Lebanon's no-state/competing states crisis... has no place in country of which "Integral Political Feudalism" of each decade, waged war in their territories.

There must be an end to Mafioso style militias running sections of cities or sections of a country! There can be only 1 functioning government (no militias) or else one has warlordism. No more 'victory' in the streets of Lebanon!

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