
Obama's Reaction Differs from JFK's Stance on 'Freedom of Worship'

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)
The ugliest parts of a human society is given rise in the current lengthy Democrat campaign... They drag-on selection of a candidate, by emulating similarities and speech excerpts from the Leaders of America (of long ago.)
Then (by agreement) they resign from our healed story of tolerance & unity.

In the 1960's Video (below) JFK is faced with mounting pressure over his Religious preference. He basically responds by telling America that it is...
Obama Throws the Church out, instead of individual people. Story.

Truth is, JFK held strong, with unwavering conviction... Stood up to the principals over politics, and stood for a strong American defense...

John Kennedy asked what YOU can do for your country...
Obama's slogans ask what the "Government can do for you."

You can't have it both ways... Either you agree that the principals of JFK or MLK Leaders have achieved significant healing for America's broken societies of the 60's... Or you empower "unhealings" as a "Party of Division" without invalidating their efforts...

I loose patience with this sort of "mind-twist" whine...
Nobody is going to respect a Leader who "cowers" while failing to make specific demands from the people...

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