Old news, but worth another look...
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov; spoke out on his travels back from an EU-Russia meeting (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
"We don't approve of Iran's permanent demonstration of its intentions to develop its rocket sector and continue to enrich.Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had criticized Iran for its repeated declarations over its nuclear and rocket technology ambitions.elevated levels of... uranium." Read more
Iran claims: Test-fired rocket to be used to launch research satellites.
Russia criticizes Iran's defiance
Recently Russia spoke out after Iran launched a rocket into space, saying it raised suspicion over the true aim of its nuclear programme... More
Russia: Iran's space rocket test could be proof of nuclear weapons programme
"Long-range missiles are one of the components of a [nuclear] weapons system," Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losyukov told Interfax.
Therefore Monday's test launch of Iran's Explorer-1 space rocket was "of course, a cause for concern", he said.
This was not at all the Russian or U.S. intention...Mr Lavrov said Iran should refrain from raising international tensions.... #
U.S. and Russia to Enter Civilian Nuclear Pact
U.S.-Russia Pact Aimed at Nuclear Terrorism
Bush, Putin to Announce Plan to Counter Threat
"While they haven't been resolved,"It would be better to refrain from actions that raise tensions and "create the impression Iran is ignoring the international community" Goodness not that impression...