
UN & Militants tout Somalia “Golden-era”

Somalia, a region already suffering from floods, droughts, disease, locusts; now flanked by al-Qaeda Islamist training camps, suicide bombers, roadside bombs and near-daily assassinations...
(yet blame America anyway)

As Int'l troops step forward to answer the World's calls against African ethnic cleanse; the UN suffers 'lapse of memory' and vilifies their efforts... Thus the UN praises & widens Rebel Islamists influence; amidst Int'l Plea...
Once again, the Somalis flee!
Starving shields were safer? Now they flee for their Lives!

Statement: The UN claims that the "Interim Government installed by the US, makes it more difficult to deliver aid, less-safe then that "6- months of easier life" when Islamists took control. Never mind that Islamist Pirates, lurking off the coast of Somalia, attacked more than 20 ships this year; including two carrying United Nations food.)
"United Nations officials now concede that the country was in better shape during the brief reign of Somalia’s Islamist movement last year. “It was more peaceful, and much easier for us to work,” Mr. Laroche said. “The Islamists didn’t cause us any problems.”
No mention of the murder and carnage that they cause without control, today.
Mr. Ould-Abdallah called those six months, which were essentially the only epoch of peace most Somalis have tasted for years, Somalia’s “golden era." Read more
Is Keeping aid from Somalians working?
Today, 200,000 recently displaced people who are crammed into swelling camps, and are rapidly running out of food... Somalia Region teems with misery... The starving, long for the 6- Mon. Jihadi "Golden-era" to return.

ERROR: Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, the warlord turned transitional president, recently forced out the prime minister and is looking to replace him with a leader who can bridge clan divides.

CORRECTION: Somalia’s' "link to Peace" RESIGNS...

Rebels Attack Peacekeepers in Somalia
Islamist rebels attacked Ugandan soldiers who are part of an African Union peacekeeping force on Saturday in Mogadishu and briefly entered their base, but a spokesman for the force said it suffered no casualties.Read more

Same Conflict-Loop Found in Various Regions....
A.k.a: Exhausting the enemy (while ridding Christian populations!) Officials who specialize in Somalia said the country has higher malnutrition rates, more current bloodshed and fewer aid workers than Darfur, which is often publicized as the world’s most pressing humanitarian crisis. They have taken clear priority in terms of getting peacekeepers and aid money...

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