
HRH Turki Al-Faisal: Rose Interview 2006

The Greatest Challenge for every Nation in the in the 21st Century, has been centered upon energy sustainability. Interesting to note that although little more than 10 percent of U.S. Oil-needs come from Saudi Arabia; many fundamental issues remain clouded in myth & media misinterpretation.

View an interesting 2006 discussion about US-Saudi Relations, Iraq, and oil; with Saudi Arabia's (then) Ambassador to the United States, Prince Turki Al-Faisal... There is no mistake that the loss of his Ambassadorship, in the US, was considered to be one of America’s greatest misfortunes.

In this interview, his Royal Highness shows his continuing gift at diplomacy as acting Ambassador. It also contains facts that will clear-up some of the misconceptions that may still exist today... The US clings to media; Saudis remain with a priority for clarification.

Today’s growing demand for World oil reflects 80 million barrels a day; and world figures estimate that in 2025 the world wide need will be in excess of 119 million barrels a day…
Charlie Rose asks Prince Turki Al-Faisal:
"Is there enough oil to serve the demand new discovery to be made is growth of new sources going to be able to keep up with the demand?”
Of course this answer was geo-strategically positive; but perhaps increase of heavy crude refining could consummate for the US... (To increase refineries for Greater Crude supply.)

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