
Iraqi Shiite Customs- Saddam Forbade

Desmond posted this; though not to insult anyone... Nor are these practices prevalent amongst all Moslems. Syed Hakim (renowned scholar) is giving a lecture on the tragedy of Kerbala which befell the prophet's grandson. Although nothing more is known here; they represent practices of "Khomeini-style Shiites."
... And turning down the sound is highly recommended! :o
Saddam is said to have forbade this Shiite Custom
Also might explain our serious apprehension to leave Iraq... :|
"Desmond mentions Iran's control of the richest oil fields in southern Iraq ...(the Majnoun oil fields)... It looks like to me, that the Khomeini- group really gave Saddam a great deal of misery with the constant rocket firings into Iraqi territory... We know that this has spread throughout the region; as their Modus Operandi lives-on, today...
Today's Khomeini-proxies orchestrate regional conflicts that have the appearance of being completely unrelated; though are very much a part of a master plan.

View this ear-marked beginning of the Iran/Iraq war...
Note: Video clip Ends Abruptly...

Caption: This video is a statement for history showing clearly that Khomeini and the fanatic ayatollahs are the ones who started the Iraq-Iran war not the Disposed Saddam...
(as was previously stated.)

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