
Space Age 50th Anniversary: NASA

It was during the Cold War and launch of the Sputnik 1 that the Space Age began... At NASA's 50th Anniversary celebration, both Cosmonauts and Astronauts sent a video message from the Int'l Space Station… NASA flight engineer, Clayton Anderson said:
"What better example to set for the citizens of our countries and the world about what is possible if we work together in a spirit of cooperation, partnership and friendship?"
Today: U.S. & Russia sign pact to hunt for water on Mars, moon
View 3 min. NASA clip which breezes through the beginnings...

-And view BBC's Audio slideshow! REPORTING THE 'SPACE RACE'!

And an interesting interview of Reg Turnill (Video below) who shares his insights of 50 years of flight evolution, while covering space through the ages. (With a little "BBC-twist" at the end.) haha
More about Reginald Turnill:
The 92 year-old has covered our obsession with space since the launch of Sputnik 1 by the Soviet Union in 1957. Turnill worked in Moscow, Cape Canaveral and Houston during his career as the BBC's Aerospace Correspondent from 1958 to 1975, after which he stayed on in Florida as a freelancer until the late 1990s"...MORE

As we meet head-on with plummeted resources amidst the Solar-Max /Earth's Evolution Cycle... Perhaps lunar space stations & solar synchronizations; might have seen us with Mars colonies, and a planet hub; easily avoiding man's immobility during this fate...

Today we find Space exploration at a new level of dedication amidst the need for a most urgent and unfailing prioritization. And although Man does not lack technological abilities, he must over-come time, which sees our Earth as "centuries behind in essential advancements." To succeed, we must transcend all differences.

VIDEO : Very interesting history of the Russian Empire

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