Amidst a sea of Federal documents forged by those who work illegally in America; Politicians tolerate their numbers which dominate state funds... But why the sell-out by our Government, without regard for its impact upon U.S. Sovereignty?ILLEGALS COULD COST CONGRESSIONAL SEATS!"Although undocumented can’t vote, such aliens are included in the census... The pending 2010 headcount could be the subject of a political fight as Democrats and Republicans jockey for position before House seats are reallocated."
Read moreU.S. Vet Defends the Constitutional Protocol of the U.S. Flag HT: breitbart A Mexican bar flew the Mexican flag over the U.S. flag, which is a federal offense. Jim Brossard decided to take matters into his own hands.View interview with this VET:Foreign Flag Raise is Federal OffenseThe American People say, enough!As citizens, we are sworn to defend the Protocol of American Flag, as an essential part of our constitution. Conservatives, Liberals, & Independents make up 87% of Americans of every nationality, who demand enforcement of our Constitution!
(i.e: tax, immigration, Sovereignty, and Federal I.D. laws.)
Thompson 2008 U.S. Government Border control over-see Border Construction (helicopter)Of the areas riddled with disease, trash, and human waste: Dr. N says says that the U.S. will need to call in Scientists to solve this environmental crisis, before continuing some sections. The Video shows a portion of the marked areas; although the worst areas are not shown...
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