
A Farewell to Luciano Pavarotti

Farewell to Luciano Pavarotti

'We pray that God will allow him to use his voice in heaven' #
Read out by his daughters to the archbishop of Modena, Benito Cocchi:
"We thank God for having given Papa the gift of his great voice and we pray that He will allow him to use it to praise Him in heaven for the rest of his tomorrows." Read this beautiful article.

Pavarotti...A farewell at the Cathedral of Modena, attended by the many he touched as one of the greatest tenors in Opera history; and one of the most beloved and Blessed spirits of our century...
Daniele La Monaca: Farewell to Luciano Pavarotti
Cathedral of ModenaClick-Video-

I've a picture of Pavarotti, taken some time ago, at a party with my parents... Pavarotti who wore a traditional scarf, was so laughing and joyful, and filled with life... At five years of age I can still remember this! (Will post when I locate this image.)

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