
Father's Forest and Earth's Inner Sun

On travel...Spending time at my Father's Forest (US)... Our family goal is to have built the "beginnings" of a life-time sanctuary by 2010. The property spans a rugged 650 acres, amidst many underground tables; with a limited area to accommodate echo-friendly architecture...
Interesting: Many UFO sightings amidst the Volcano have attracted new-wave scientists, the world over...
(More later when I am (again) near internet connection.)
From one of the footbridges my father built (in 70's) before we were born.
Barbay: From the Foot Bridge-07
-By the way, the red bushes along trail above, are definitely poison oak! (Haha!)

View Video (below) of the Earth's Inner Sun...
The clips below explore the deeper question amidst disappearing Lakes and Earth changes...And the need for us to seek within our Earth as well as beyond...
Large lake completely disappears in Russian village overnight
The case of the disappearing Great Lake -View: Slideshow
View NASA's remarkably advanced climate and earth imagery... Which, incidentally, lends proof to the existence of a powerful Inner Sun...
View larger: From Earth Observatory
I believe that it is Earth's inner sun with its solar wind, which are causing the auroras to light up on all the planets including earth...
Dr. Brooks Agnew (also VIDEO below) reports on the Cassini spaceship's capture of images of the North Polar Opening of Saturn...

Saturn is hollow, and appears to have a hexagonal shape. Interesting is its brilliant aurora caused by it's Inner Sun emanating electrons and protons from its solar wind. These winds emanate OUT of Saturn's polar opening which then follow the electomagnetic field lines of the planet AWAY from the polar area. #.
Thus, the auroral lights are NOT caused by our outer sun, but by an Inner Sun suspended within the hollow of each planet...

-Interesting Video below... I might add that remote-viewers have confirmed the existence of a civilization; but I can remember as a child, being taught (somehow) that our universe which continually expands, exists is "inside of another planet" and that the universe/space planet exists inside of another...With an infinite linking (similar to a strand of DNA)...
What exists above, so too, exists below..

A couple of links from today and yesterday:
This from Professor Bob Carter, an environmental scientist at James Cook University, who Studies Ancient Climate Change...

And this from Talking Hawk (Mohawk Indian)
'Earth Mother getting angry'
"Earth Mother is fighting back - not only from the four winds, but also from underneath."
Matt (Drudge) just uploaded this...(haha)
Now Prepare for 'Dangerous Global Cooling'
"Climate stability has never been a feature of planet Earth. The only constant about climate is change; it changes continually and, at times, quite rapidly."
-See you again soon! - M.B.
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