
Sarkozy's 100 Day Shake-up, Set in Motion

Update: Video: Sarkozy bids Chirac adieu
Sarkozy takes office on Wednesday: After tomorrow, Sarkozy begins his legacy as the most successful President in French history. Pulling from the left and right he is re-inventing the World's best Loved City...
Immediate 100 Day: Shake up labor, education and tax law, tighten rules on young offenders, and look for a solution to the impasse over the European constitution... France's Sarkozy faces battle over reforms!
As Sarkozy pulls to meet center-left; a Sarkozy Presidency begins!
Although it was explained by the President's aides on Monday...
Leading French Humanitarian Bernard Kouchner, is likely to be Appointed as Foreign Minister...Kouchner, a world-renowned humanitarian who founded the Doctors with Borders (MSF) charity. (My important charity!) A 67-year-old member of the opposition Socialist Party, served as the UN's representative in Kosovo; and "is ready to enter the government."
(Or perhaps he stay to with this charity, we will see.)

However: A charismatic and well-liked Klarsfeld would be most excellent to serve as special envoy on Sarkozy's team...His work is of crucial importance to France; while aiding towards a greater understanding and strengthened relationship in the Middle East, USA, Germany, & all regions of the globe.
Klarsfeld, who has served as a mediator for Sarkozy...concerning immigration, Tax restructure, constitution law, growth and opportunity; is an energetic and brilliant law strategist and public relations Aristocrat. Standing strong for France, amidst the ills, administrative tasks, ambassador selection, youth, and areas which 'only Klarsfeld' has a unique vantage-point; and indispensability.

What are the harsh realities of a fully Socialist France? It is not the answer! Talk of Socialist Hubert Vedrine, as Foreign Minister is circulating, as well...
Meanwhile, take a look at this 1983 - 1987 Socialist VIDEO ! (If you can!)
Liverpool's Socialist councilors: representing 5 years of Socialism filled with litigation and near disaster...
CAPTION: The Liverpool 47, recount Merseyside's battle against Thatcher in 1983 - 1987. The Liverpool 47 councilors present their own official history of Liverpool City Council's epic struggle against the hated Thatcher government.
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