I decided I would quickly write a few things that empowered me about Iraq in the news today... (I found seven!)
including the today's letter, of course. 1)
I am linking this article again as it reflects the strong level of spirituality of King Abdullah, and his standing for Peace & unity in all corners of globe.
‘Sectarianism Weakens Unity’ -As compiled by Raid Qusti, Arab News 3)
Next, I'm not sure why there has been so little published about the Iraqi's determination to stabilize their country...It absolutely makes me tear to see their selflessness in such matters as Love for their Country...
Article Haydar Al-Sawaf Al-Mada 5)
"It is not easy anymore to place bombs in cafés, markets, near the universities and even in the hospitals, and claiming to fight a holy war against "occupation" whose only victimes are our sons. Scores of Al-Quaeda chiefs have been arrested and cannot terrorize Baghdad anymore, although danger has move to the outside of the city.
This plan permitted the return of families who had fled and the openness of numerous mosques who had been closed by confessional disputes. It permitted the discoveries of numerous weapons caches. It succeeded in keeping the bad guys in cars our of the city, where they threatened civilians with their kalascnikovs.
It succeeded to calm down the fear of mass kidnappings which haunted the workers when they took the bus. It succeeded in making the bad Al-Jazeera cable news channel not counting every day death and strikes anymore. And it especially made the politicians understand that they should not expect a failure of the present government to boost their own careers." (Arabic)#
"for the Iraqi people to live safe, stable, in order that peace prevails in the homeland of Kurdistan to the south, in order to take full right of women under the personal status law, in order not to violate the sanctity of churches and mosques and synagogues, and for the maintenance of pure symbols of the homeland and to consolidate democracy, contributed Association Iraqi women in this campaign, an effective contribution.And this excerpt by Ms. Samira Jafar Al-Musawi, head of the Committee on Women, Family and Children; Member of the Iraqi Parliament: # 7)
Iskandar stressed : "We are determined to work for the happiness of our people in all social classes. Then the chairwoman of the Committee on Women, Family and Children in the House Samira Jafar al-Musawi said in a speech: We thank you this great effort and joyful for actors of civil society, its organizations as a fundamental pillar in the building of a state of law and the Constitution." More: almadapaper
We thank all the friends who stood with the people of Iraq and his free will, and we highly appreciate their sacrifices and efforts. We wish them to always be with us in the consolidation of democratic values, peaceful co-existence, the building of the rule of law and the respect of the individual’s right to live in peace and prosperity.
This popular will is being continuously targeted by global terrorism, with Al-Qaeda and others, and the remnants of the ousted regime, the murderers of the Iraqi people, attempting to discourage the people by using barbaric violence that has hit markets, universities, schools and houses of worship, the streets, and state institutions and infrastructure. They make continued attempts to undermine the unity of the Iraqis through sectarian and ethnic sedition between Arabs and Kurds, between the Muslims and Christians, and between minorities and between the Shiites and Sunnis and between Sunnis and Sunnis. And, they incite this discord by using the dirtiest and most destructive weapons, such as poisonous chlorine gas in Fallujah and Ramadi areas, and in the areas of Al Bai’aa and Taji. #
Read full letter.
Samira Jafar Al-Musawi, head of the Committee on Women, Family and Children, Member of the Iraqi Parliament.
Stanford review | positive Iraq | iraqi unity
Ms Samira Jafar Al-Musawi