
Peaceful Missiles: India Tests Agni III

BHUBANESWAR: India's successful test of the Agni III drawn from the island of Wheeler, with broad of the Eastern State of Orissain ...Agni, which means “fire” in Sanskrit, can (in fact) achieve goals, in interior China; with a long range able to send a nuclear warhead to more than 3.000 kilometers...#
India: Successful ballistic missile test (long range Agni III)

It is rare to find a country more peaceful, but missiles of today, perhaps relay the message of 'intent to protect ones sovereignty'... (If only a mire flag" would do.)
The relations between India, which have between 100 and 150 nuclear warheads, and China developed these last years, stimulated by their rapid economic growths...
However, if frontier disagreements persist between the two countries (which war opposed in 1962) and of the analysts estimate that the military strategy in the long run of India; is centered on its two neighbors equipped with nuclear weapons, Pakistan and China...

“We are completely satisfied with the results, &
have corrected the errors of last year”, they say.

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