
Stem Cell Source Found in Amniotic Fluid

Good news! Dr. Anthony Atala, head of Wake Forest's regenerative medicine institute...led a project on stem cell research, & found:
Stem cell source in amniotic fluid
NEW! -View Blogger's reactions (below)
The opportunity for a greater effect to be produced with (AFSC) than with embryonic stem cells, will allow the development of life to continue its miracle to thrive, without terminating and harvesting of its smallest beginnings!
M.B.-06: "Humanity's Tale of Strengths and Weaknesses"
Embryos have instinct toward survival; as do others...
And with the progress of this research, Scientists will perfect its extraction and application. This could lead to an ease in controversy over embryonic stem cells as it enables future extraction of stem cells without harm to mother or fetus.
BBC has this Report:
New source of stem cells that could
one day repair damaged human organs.
"They were able to extract the stem cells without harm to mother or fetus & turn their discovery into several different tissue cell types, including brain, liver & bone."
Back in October of last year, I posted about the use of MSC (mature stem cells) i.e: 'embryo-friendly': Stem Cell: More Effective Alternatives.
Article Excerpt:
Alternatives to embryonic stem cells,
may be More Effective!
The research (described in excerpt below) along with HUNDREDS of papers (instrument in scientific advancement) represent an entire body of work which might serve to support man's hope to merge scientific break-through in disease cure and preventions, with the use of MSC (mature stem cells) i.e: 'embryo-friendly'...
Suggested Scientific reading:
-The microgravity method described: Journal Cell Proliferation.
-Fate Decision on Adult Neural Stem Cells: The Stem Cell Niche
-A less tumorigenic response: Umbilical cord 'stem cell' hope
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Instruct Oligodendrogenic Fate Decision on Adult Neural Stem Cells (In transplantation experiments, MSCs demonstrated neuroprotective and neuroregenerative effects that were associated with functional improvements.)
Article excerpt:
Dr Stephen Minger, from King's College London, said:
"The findings are quite surprising...Up until this point,
the conventional wisdom was that the less mature a cell,
the more likely it is to be reprogrammed...
This work suggests the contrary."
UPDATE Blogger's reactions:
-Well, our worst nightmare! -Read every word of Mark's post (below)
Mark at Mark my Words: Damn it! We want to kill embryos!

Right Truth: 'New stem cell source' discovered!
Mark my Word: A stem cell advancement
Perri Nelson: He asks the question, Why?
Pirate's Cove: New Stem Cells: Will The Left Embrace Them?
Supporting Life, all the way:
Conservative Cat |Stop the ACLU | Pink Flamingo
Stuck On Stupid | Prosandcons | Joscafe |Perri Nelson's Website
right wing guy | Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis
Dumb Ox Daily News |Wake up America
Right Truth! | Right Truth
We -ALL- Support a chance at Life!
Faultline USA | The Hill Chronicles
Planck's Constant | Pros and cons| Womanhonorthyself
Perri Nelson's website | Diary of the mad pigeon
Outsidethebeltway | Mark My Words! | stiknstein
Right Truth! | Right Truth! | Today's the day and OT

NOTE: If I've accidentally forgotten anyone, Please let
me know, because I really care about you!

Who is the World leader in embryonic stem cell research?
Iran in the forefront when it comes to stem cell research
Evidently, Scientists say the Iranian clerics define life as beginning three months after conception, which gives scientists access to human embryonic stem cells left over from fertilization trials...

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