Gerald Ford, the oldest living President (93) passed away, Tuesday... It was during his term, Gerald Ford,
sought to reconcile Americans with their presidency, after the 1974 resignation of Richard Nixon (man to far right) And went on to be defeated in the next Presidential election by J.Carter (pictured to the left)... Sadly, Reagan (to Carter's right shoulder) would develop Alzheimer's...
G. Bush Sr. (further to Reagan's right) Remembers -ALL-
AFP- NEWSPAPER internet; Gerald Ford (4-R)Standing shoulder to shoulder, in front of the Reagan library in Simi Valley on November 4, 1991 by AFP...An American Presidential span of over thirty years...Gerald Ford, will always be remembered by friends, as a decent and kind human being...We honor him today, in
Vail; and here in
Rancho Mirage. He touched the lives of all of us...And will never be forgotten.
~~~~~~~~~~Others post tributes:
Rick Moran describes Gerald Ford, as I have... The reason? Because just as we (the residents who lived around him) he too, has met Ford
Moran's post: A GOOD AND DECENT MANDon Surber honors Ford and has a line-up of tributes:
Gerald Ford: Profile in courageThe Captain: poses a an interesting questionMichelle has additional political info!Chris Lawrence's excellent (must view) post at Outsidethebeltway:
(And has an HUGE line-up; some of whom I've already included, too)
~Gerald Ford, RIP~-Complete coverage at memeorandum~~~~~~~~~~~~
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