(at the time) were on the verge of building an
Atom bomb... as little as a year away."
"Last night, the government shut down the Web site after The New York Times asked about complaints from weapons experts and arms-control officials. "This is supposed to be New News?... or is this is all they could come up with for a NYT November Surprise?...They've had to admit to the validity of this intelligence, in order to slam the Bush Administration for being careless with security Data...See story & links (below)
I don't suppose anyone remembers this little (non-bomb) NYT "Breach" (above) It pales in comparison, with any sensitive data. In fact, due to the NYT leak; it cost us vital support in the War (more in new post)... Hey, water under the bridge now...
the information could help Iran develop nuclear arms?
Captain Ed explains: "It presents a powerful argument for the military action to remove Saddam from power...And he says, "Bear in mind that this intelligence came from the UN, and not from the United States. The inspectors themselves developed it, and they meant to keep it secret. The FMSO site blew their cover, and they're very unhappy about it."
highlight the "weak-points" in the Bush Administration Security!
-View Captain's Quarters Excellent Archives (links below)
-2001 IIS memo directing its agents to test mass grave sites in southern Iraq for radiation, and to use "trusted news agencies" to leak rumors about the lack of credibility of Coalition reporting on the subject. They specify CNN.
- The Blessed July operation, in which Saddam's sons planned a series of assassinations in London, Iran, and southern Iraq
- Saddam's early contacts with Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda from 1994-7
-UNMOVIC knew of a renewed effort to make ricin from castor beans in 2002, but never reported it
- The continued development of delivery mechanisms for biological and chemical weapons by the notorious "Dr. Germ" in 2002...HT: -Read full Detail.
Saddam Closer to Bomb
Than Anyone-Thought
Saddam One Year Away
from Building Nuke
NY Times Runs Front Page Story
On Iraq Nuke Research
Saddam Nuke Docs Taken Off
Web Citing Copycat Danger
Mid-Term Must Read List!
was going Nuclear!
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