
National Renewal; 1981

From my family's scrapbook...
As a little child during this event below, I can especially remember Ronald Reagan. And now in reflecting, a picture speaks a thousand words in these close-ups.
(see larger image below)...

The theme was, 'National Renewal', as our country inaugurated its 40th president of the United States, and marked the end to a very lengthy and wearing hostage crisis. This appears especially evident in the face of former President Carter. View larger image.
A significant part of history, indeed..

[Caption: Reagan takes oath from Chief Justice Warren Burger; with them, Mrs. Reagan, Sen. Mark Hatfield, the outgoing President and Mrs. Carter]

"Not a single President has yet to match Reagan's skills, as motivator. Along with his physical self-confidence (and unsurpassed stage presence) his values and love for country embraced the young and old, as it took precedence over right and left points of view." M.B.

The Hostages arrive in Germany

[Caption: Elated hostages arriving in Algiers include, from left, Barry Rosen, Donald Cooke, and Kathryn Koob; two others are not identified]
~View Close-up.

Newspaper Highlights
~Reagan Takes Office, Asks 'National Renewal'
~First action was a Federal job freeze
~Speech Displays Enthusiasm for Nation's Future
~52 Americans Welcomed in West Germany
~Carter Returns Home to a Hero's Welcome
~Formal Dress, Up-Kicking Heels Mark GOP Day of Joy
~Grateful US Celebrates Release

View this 8-1/2 x 11 (portion) of Wed. Jan 21st Local paper.

Others celebrate the memory of Ronald Reagan:
~Publius Rendezvous Viva La Revolucion!
~bRight & Early: Thank you, Ronald Reagan
~The Great: Wizbang's Carnival XLVII
~Stop the ACLU: Reagan Revolution Weekend
~Linked with: Conservative Cat's festival

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Eric's Carnival of Liberty..
Hosted by rgcombs. The Carnival of Liberty #29!

~All site content mb-images© Digimarc -2006

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