
Painting Mystery

No doubt History unfolds the many loops and synchronizations found throughout time. From the great floods and famine, Artists so meticulously painted an archival representation of the scriptures, earth changes, and flying objects, present throughout the ages...
Apparent here in:
(1) Floating Angles (2) legends...
...and even perhaps, visits to our planet (3) & (4).

[1508: The adoration of Kings-Mabuse]
(1)-(1508) At the command of Philip of Burgundy, Mabuse again, executed this replica of floating angles in his masterpiece, "Descent from the cross"...

Current location of painting: National Gallery, London
Time-line: 15th century
~View close-up of Angels, here.

5: St. Eulalia-Waterhouse]
(2)- (1883) -Waterhouse

According to ledgend, the snow believed to have been sent by God as a shroud to cover the saint; and the dove flying upward near the mourners, indicative of Eulalia's soul flying up to Heaven, was said to have flown out of her mouth.
~Detail of "St. Eulalia"... here.

Current location of painting: The Tate Gallery
Time-line: 18th century


[1449-1494 | by Domenico Ghirlandaio]

(3)- (1471) "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino"...Not only can you see this disk in hover, but detail provides a close look at a man and his dog clearly looking at the disk.
Current location of painting: Loeser collection in the Palazzo Vecchio
Time-line: 14th century


[1430-1495 | by Carlo Crivelli]

(4)- (1473) "The Annunciation with Saint Emidius"...Barvisibleable in this image (From above in-between buildings) is a thin yellow beam radiating from disk shaped object, right down upon the Virgin Mary.

Current location of painting: The National Gallery, London.
Time-line: Mid to later 14th century

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~Conservative Cat Festival
~The great blog of: hip & zen, is hosting
The Carnival of the Vanities #173!

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