(Current News Article: Just click image)
"Reforms are being implemented this week, with respect to trade.
Also a topic during Bush trip to China."...M.B.
~Please feel free to read prior post; 11/08/05 !
FOOD FACTS: Under the current system of aid reform, less than half of government aid is spent in the world's poorest countries; 40% of aid is tied to overpriced goods and services from donor countries; and donor countries continue to impose conditions—such as trade liberalization and privatization of essential services—on their beneficiaries, often with devastating results for starving people of the World...
APEC, whose members include Canada, Australia, and several Southeast Asian and Latin American nations, represents more than a third of the world's population, about 60 percent of the global economy and nearly half of world trade.
~This week's focus on World hunger; trade negotiation meetings.
~A simple and Empowering "how to" guide, to end World Hunger: read.
~Play a quick game to discover food realities of each country: here.
~"Skip a meal" program! ((^_^)) on Nov, 17th (or later) more info..
~Please visit and link these fine sites:
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