
Cultural Jurisprudence

"As today's balance of the Modern World continues to evolve culturally, we see that some parts of the Globe still cling to their perception of honor, amidst brutality, purely without jurisprudence."....M.B.

In Damascus | 23 Oct 2005:

THE SCENE: A 23-year-old Muslim, secretly married a Christian man she had met while studying at a University. When informed of the wedding, Huda’s family – after recovering from the shock – convinced her to return to her hometown of Sweidah, some 100 km south of the capital.

From the article: She was forgiven, they told her, and promised a proper wedding ceremony, to be thrown in her home.

On the wedding day, in late August, Huda was brutally killed by her brother for betraying the family’s honor.

Despite the grim circumstances, festivities went on as planned, with the family receiving guests amid joyous ululations as the ambulance carrying Huda's body pushed its way towards the local hospital.


"This article depicts the application of Honor killings, still present in parts of society. These acts of violence, brutality, and cultural incivility, are beginning to receive highlight largely due to a World question of both Islamic jurisprudence; and those who grapple onto the ability to continue honor through violence, purely by keeping in silence.

What I view to be the most disturbing, is the OUIET found in-between the Arab countries. More often, I find this to speak the loudest. Comments made by Islamic religious figures who have condemned this practice, touting it as a contradiction to religious dogma... sadly make little impact, or attention with followers of Islamic Jurisprudence... because of the Arab-to-Arab silence!

On the one hand, cultures want to evolve (as they fear the wrath of another's actions) but on the other hand, they cling onto these acts of violence, as a deterrent for sin.

It is for this very reason that I believe, slowly one-by-one, these areas still injecting their influence towards mid-evil practices as a part of their Culture, will simply stand out and be viewed as the darker area of influence over our World of evolving principals. And as nearly every Country in the World, now having been a recipient of Radical Islamic Terror...


Summary excerpt of Article: This account, particularly the casual reaction of wedding guests, illustrates the acceptability of so-called “honor killings” within certain segments of Syrian society. Huda died so the family's reputation – tarnished, in this case, by a daughters’ choice to marry outside her community – might survive intact.

According to women’s rights activist Mayya Al-Rahbi, perpetrators of honour killings are often no more than "tools with which to carry out a crime that is generally instigated by families or tribes."

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