
"There are truths which are not for all men; nor for all times" -Voltaire (1694-1778)

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France/US)

Perhaps Philosophers and Politicians aspire to be remembered, despite their arrival in often less (but not least) suitable of decades.... Today, Voltaire's wit would have helped transcend a world which lacks critical thinking; but words might never have been heard the days of Buster Keaton...

~ Quotes by Voltaire [François Marie Arouet]

-It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong...
-Doubt is not an agreeable condition, but 'certainty' is an absurd one...
-While loving glory so much, how can you persist in a plan which will cause you to lose it?

-Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung...
-Le secret d'ennuyer est celui de tout dire...
-No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible...

-Image: "A ROSE"... thumbnail by Theolonius

In closing...
Our next US President will be a Leader of great humility, and respect for innocence..... Because, one has to be able to say "NO".. and still make the others feel like they have really gotten something..... And that is a quality that some are either 'completely without'... Or 'fully live in'.... Not both. :D

(more on this later)

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