Food Police Bill dead in water: [from hotair]
A bill that Democrats hailed as a major lame-duck session achievement earlier this week — and which ran:
["afoul of their own party in the House"]
Senate Dems can’t read the Constitution... Article I, Section 7
Senate passes new food police bill: & "no-ban" earmarks... [read]
Waves of oppressive Legislation, spell significant death to our remaining liberty... As Lame Duck fantasy, moral hazard, enacts unlimited "wish-lists"... Targeting a small % of U.S. Tax-payers, to pay for it all.

Odd timing of restrictive food legislation.
-Jefferson: The people are the Safeguards [read]
[Chris Moody]
From 'hot mic' on Senate Floor:
"The fact that we don’t get to a discussion before the break about what we’re going to do in the lame duck. It’s just rigged." [read]
Hotair: Same Dem complains...
[Also tried to rig an interview]
GOP Rep. Buyer Blasts Acting Dem Speaker:
"This is why the People have Thrown You Out" (video below)
From [freedomslighthouse]
Repressed speaking privileges, weigh heavily against the essential workings of a Democracy; as the elected Representative is the people's important voice...
Today's Links...
Deficit Reduction Plan Unlikely To Garner Votes Necessary
To Force a Vote In Congress (COWARDS & Scoundrels) [more]
UN Bans Climate Change Denier From Cancun Meetings:
Now the UN won’t allow Phelim into their wealth redistribution meetings. [read]

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