Iranians who threw women over fwy overpasses for simply holding a protest; chastise us for ill treatment of women? This is so very sad...
Just curious.... Why no word against 'suicide groups' around the globe who steal scriptures of the Islamic faith, to wage killings (mainly) against Muslims? And why no word about innocent Christians massacred, & torn to pieces by hand, while simply sitting in church?
VIDEO: Sounds like they're all reading a "script"... I'm surprised they didn't say, "Fox News" or "Sara Palin"...Or, "the Tea-party"... Obama: Respected by 22%, with a 39% U.S. approval rating... And "globally" assisted, largely for the continuing flow of hundreds of billions in "U.S. Tax-payer" handouts.
Many of these Nations completely shun Free Speech; though suddenly become "moral authorities" over those exercising their First Amendment Rights...They also talk of wanting "Free Internet"... Well, this is not the same thing as running an "Internet that is Free."
Everyone in the US sees this timing, on the heels of Obama Team's strident moves to impose varied forms of Internet control; a.k.a: soft forms of censorship; and other Alinsky delicacies; designed to further stack the cards toward a one party electorate...
And should seriously be considered a #1 threat to our Constitution...

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