This Thanksgiving weekend, Americans have a toe-hold on Freedom of speech; in a world where there is sharper awareness of global elitist's' "packaged" insults to Freedoms; which have led many a nation to ruin...
VIDEO: What must protected most of all, are words, not understood! That we might help to heal! [VIEW]M. Malkin:
(D) Sen Rockefeller:"One-Man Cable News Death Panel"[read]
"We need slimmed-down channel pkgs, of what we want to watch"... Rockefeller remarks in hearing, that FCC should shut down Fox News and MSNBC...#
Constitutionally Protected Citizens, are already "FREE"
to choose what programing 'we' want to watch...
VIDEO: Rockefeller references "evils of Corporations" and "Fox News"... This is laughable considering the numerous "packages" sold; as global elitist's' efforts led to current debt-infusion."Global Financial Destruction" looks deliberate to Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents... And as we follow the trail, most of us would prefer simply, TO STOP FEEDING IT, and do without; simply to avoid the sound of rattling chains...
And as he suggests the need to "put the clamps" on an open society, to implement & further "elitist's strategy"... The elephant in the room, is his long family history to the global Bank Cartel.
Looks like Government is calculating this...
Food Tyranny Act U.S. Senate [Bill S 510]
On Senate Floor for lame Duck Vote...
Bill Outlawing gardening and saving seeds; eliminating the right to produce, distribute, and consume the foods of our choice; discontinuing right to life and liberty under the Constitution.
Today's Links...
-Web Censorship Bill Sails Through Senate Committee...
-VIDEO: An average American's Opinion: [view]
Lead Author of IPCC 4th Report: Yeah, Global Warming Regulation Is Primarily A Vehicle For Global Redistribution of Wealth: [ACE]

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