-Image: "Enypniastes" (Larry Madin)
If they don't raise the bar on safety requirements...
This will be "crazy human's" replacement. [large view]
Thousands of new winged species exhibit unusual 'self-sustaining' survival features... Too bad we didn't pay a little more attention; as some might very well have led us to discover viable energy technologies, for the future…
-VIDEO: Feathered Serpents, of the neon era: [VIEW]In other stories:
-VIDEO: Over 17,000 new species: [VIEW]
-VIDEO: And more here... [VIEW]
The brightest star in the nighttime sky, Sirius, or the Dog Star, greatly outshines its white dwarf companion, Sirius B... At 8.6 light-years away, Sirius B is the nearest known white dwarf star to Earth...
-VIDEO: Sirius B, caught on Canon video [VIEW!]

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