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Governor Chris Christie signs a $29.4 billion state spending plan after lawmakers narrowly approve it after hours of debate...
-Text of speech to the NJ Legislature on Cap 2.5: Read.
-Video (below) the GOV makes distinctions, at video budget-signing.
NJ Governor Christie signs state budget in South River: More.
In my view, it appears that Democrat budget trims are "too-painful" partially because they mean a loss of Tax-payer subsidized "re-election tools" which cater to special interests... This is a "highly flawed" short-term financial vision; because, what part of potential "State bankruptcy" (at this point) is possible to ignore?
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VIDEO: N.J. GOV Christie's bold budget moves: VIEW.
UPDATE! Gov Christie appears to have made a non-partisan impression on other State Governors, in charge of balancing State budgets... However, cuts are best implemented in logical (& unified) fashion... But has ZERO support from DEMS!
VIDEO: Gov. David Paterson rifled through a 2-foot high stack of the Legislature's budget bills, voiding them at a rate of one every 3 seconds Thursday.VIEW.
NOTE: Go figure that this is a Democrat Governor that Obama did not like. [Read.] Today, N.Y. Gov Paterson puts the survival of the State, first... (without support from "Blue State" N.Y.)