
As "unique & creative approach" gives us more flat-line; Mark translates address

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France & US)

Never mind citizens fulfilling their aspirations; US citizens are just trying to hold their own, & thwart economy-killing strives of this administration!
-Mark gives a mic. commentary/translation:
-Video (ht/Brian)

As Obama Dems leave a WAKE of mass unemployment in the U.S:
-They cap our productivity, trade away more jobs, while pushing us to pay extra tax to support THEIR "private" Int'l investments?

As this Admin & their Cronies heavily invest away from America; they need more of our future generation's TAX... While the poor get inflation.

ACE: If Al Capone were alive today, he'd be a carbon trader. (Forbes)
" fraud associated with carbon trading cost $6.5 billion over 18 months, and in some countries up to 90% of total trading volume was a result of fraudulent activities...

But, is this really to save the planet... EPA and Obama fail to protect environment and citizens, as they delegate handling which used mass oil dispersant poisons... And (point-to-case) all dispersant's are swept into the clouds; later to fall as toxic rain.
-EPA's only job is to prevent this possibility...
-Obama's push is for (tax-funded) carbon trading...
-Military's job is to remove this Admin from office.

-VIDEO: Mystery organic crop damage...
Crop and bird deaths, near the Mississippi River bottoms: VIEW.

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